January 1986

“Feedback,” New Era, Jan. 1986, 3


A super missionary tool

I’m a missionary in the California Ventura Mission, and I’ve been reading the New Era ever since I’ve been out, which is eight months now. I never read it while I was at home, but now I am an avid reader. I really like the Mormonisms.

The New Era has helped in many ways, but it has helped me most in being a better missionary. Thanks again for a super missionary tool and even more of a testimony builder.

Elder Evan Taylor Jackson
California Ventura Mission

Pretty funny?

I really love reading the New Era every month. It gives me the extra boost that I really need. I wish it came every week. It strengthens my testimony so much. Plus, the Mormonisms are pretty funny.

Lareesa Knight
Vernal, Utah

A taste

I want to express my gratitude to you for publishing “Every Young Member” in the September 1985 issue of the New Era. Even though I am still too young to serve a full-time mission, I am very interested in the missionary work and what I can do to help. By helping the full-time missionaries, the youth are able to get a taste of what mission life is really all about.

I’m sure that when they are finally able to help baptize someone, their desire to go on a mission will become strong, and many more youth will go and serve. I wish all youth could have this experience. It would help get us involved in the Lord’s work. We really need such an experience because many times we are confronted at school or work with questions about the Church.

Through this program, we will be able to know what to say to people and how to keep the Spirit present.

I love the Lord and his work beyond measure. I hope we can all become better missionaries and help out our full-time missionaries in any way possible. I know they appreciate it very much.

Wendi Good
Las Vegas, Nevada

Lost sheep

I wish to express my appreciation for the August issue of the New Era. It was a joy to read all the articles contained therein. I especially enjoyed the story “Harley-Davidson” by J. Scott Henrie. I could really relate to it. You see, I have a friend who was a bit “wayward.” Now he has joined me in serving a mission. It is hard to believe that his story isn’t fiction too! Parents and friends, please do as Brother Henrie exhorts. I quote: “Please don’t resent them. Don’t judge them. Don’t be self-righteous. Be patient and be a good example and pray for them with all the faith of your heart.” Your lost sheep may return home—as a good friend has for me. Thanks again for this fine publication. I look forward to it each month.

Robert R. Escobar
Australia Perth Mission

This wonderful work

I just wanted to express the joy that I felt when reading the September 1985 issue, especially the “Every Young Member” article. I feel every young person should experience this wonderful work!

Leaha Isaacson
Portland, Oregon

The hanging

I am writing to thank you for all the fantastic articles in the New Era. The magazine has been such a help to me and my family. My mom has always stressed the importance of the Church magazines in our home and often will hang the Mormonads on the wall so we can have reminders to live as we should. I only wish we didn’t have to ruin another article or story to enjoy having them displayed in our homes.

I am waiting for my mission call. All the articles about missionary work have been so helpful to me during these past months of preparation.

Allisha A. Price
Castle Dale, Utah

Bowled over

I’m Kelly Jones of Westpoint, Utah. I always thought that the New Era was for older people, but once in Mutual we had a New Era Bowl. It was so fun!!! You really had to read carefully to get the questions! It was great! I’ve never read a better magazine!!! You are doing a great job!!! I’m going to read the New Era every month!!!!!

I love you, New Era!!!!!!!!

Kelly Jones
Westpoint, Utah


The New Era is very special, and a lot of my friends agree that it must be inspired because the articles are always related to what’s going on in our lives. It is the only magazine I have found that has such a positive motivation for me. All the other “teenage” magazines are superficial in comparison, and deal with immorality and other problems in ways that don’t seem right. The New Era is different. Thank you for being that way.

Kate Roberts
Seattle, Washington

The Delightful Dozen

If you’ve been enjoying your 11 visits from the New Era each year, you’ll love this. Come 1986 there’ll be an extra visitor to help you through those long winter months. Instead of the combined January–February issue you’ve been used to, you’ll be getting a January issue and a February issue—both guaranteed to be full of inspiration and fun. The Friend is also returning to 12 issues per year.

We’re sure it won’t dim your rejoicing to know that on September 1, 1985, the cost of a year’s subscription to the New Era was increased to eight dollars. It would be a steal at twice the price. The price of the Friend was also increased to eight dollars a year, and the Ensign will remain at nine dollars a year.