April 1986

“Feedback,” New Era, Apr. 1986, 3


Giving and getting

I really enjoyed the article “On Giving and Getting” in the October 1985 issue. It was really inspirational. I enjoy all the articles in the New Era each month. I have been reading the magazine for almost two years. Keep up the good work!

Kalei Fuller
Nine Miles Falls, Washington

Someone I used to know

I want to tell you how much I appreciate the New Era. It is a very special magazine. I enjoyed the story “Wayne’s Old Room” in the September 1985 issue. It reminded me of someone I used to know. But with the help of her father and a very dear friend, she changed for the best. I would like to publicly thank my father, whom I love very much. And, oh yes, that one very special friend, Ric Peregrine.

Thanks for such a great magazine and such great stories.

Suzie Girard
Bonifay, Florida

I could relate

I would like to thank you for “A Small Light in the Darkness” in the September 1985 issue of the New Era. It really gave me the courage to move away from some of my friends who had been putting me in situations that I didn’t want to be in. I could really relate to Kevin.

I really like reading the New Era every month. I think that the articles really help me. I think that you have a good balance of different types of articles.

Mary Ann Mabey
West Jordan, Utah


The Ensign, New Era, and Friend magazines are so very helpful in keeping me aware of the gospel. I thank you all for the tranquil and soul-healing articles. With the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve as the overseers of the magazine, it’s no wonder the results are so inspirational. God bless you in your efforts to preserve the Spirit of God in the hearts of the children of Israel.

J. Michael Campbell
Alice, Texas

Almost miraculous

I would just like to express my thanks to the staff of the New Era for the excellent magazine that you are putting out. So many times this magazine has lifted me and strengthened my testimony. Words can’t tell you how thankful I am for the fine talents that are devoted to the production of this magazine.

I read the New Era every month, and I always find something that applies to a problem or a question that I have. It is almost miraculous how touching the messages can be. I also find ways to use the articles in talks, in lessons, and other presentations that I make.

I have been receiving the New Era for three years, and I plan to continue. Keep up your excellent, inspirational, and special work. You’ll never know how much you are strengthening me and many other youth or how much we appreciate all you do.

Jamie Lynn Post
Tucson, Arizona

Mormonad posters?

I teach early-morning seminary in California, and I have been receiving the New Era. I have come to love the Mormonads. Would it be possible to make posters out of these ads—big ones—and give the teachers access to them? They would be very effective teaching aids.

Sister Ahlstrom
Hold, California

Would anyone else out there be interested in Mormonad posters? Write and let us know.—Editor

Success formula

I just love reading the New Era. I enjoy the stories and poems. I especially liked “The Success Formula of Section Four.” It helped me understand the section a little bit better. I love looking at the pictures. I also like the question and answer articles. They really answer the questions that I have.

Niesha Biesinger
West Jordan, Utah

One wonderful wall

In the two years that I’ve been on my mission, there are two things I’ve really come to appreciate—the New Era and poetry. I love the New Era, especially the Mormonads. While some missionaries have pictures of home, family, and girl friends on their walls, I have my walls covered with every Mormonad since the beginning of my mission.

Thanks, New Era, for making my mission what it should be.

Elder Richard C. Elton
Johannesburg South Africa Mission

Home again

I’m working as a governess in Cambridge, Massachusetts, but I’m originally from Canby, Oregon. Being 3,000 miles from home, I experience homesickness from time to time. Especially tonight. I was missing the beauty and familiarity of home and wanted to be there.

I had just received my September 1985 New Era from my mother, but hadn’t had time to look at it. I finally did before going to bed, and what do I find? The most wonderful article about Portland, Oregon, which is only 30 miles from my home. How my spirits soared! I needed so much to see home again, and your article provided me with that opportunity. I have a friend who is also part of the minimission program, and I have met and love President Larsen.

Thank you so much for the article! My Heavenly Father has taken care of my needs through your magazine once again.

Susan Rudolph
Cambridge, Massachusetts

So much like real life

I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate and enjoy the New Era. It helps me with many of my problems. The stories are excellent. They are so much like real life. When I am having problems, I just pick up my New Era and read. By the time I am through, I feel a lot better. The New Era is wonderful. Thank you for the great and inspiring stories.

Shawnie Seal
West Jordan, Utah
