May 1986

“Feedback,” New Era, May 1986, 3


I couldn’t resist

It had been so long since I’d read the New Era that I didn’t think I was missing anything. Working full time and going to school is enough to keep anybody busy. But when the January 1986 issue arrived in the mail, I couldn’t resist. Having some free time at work, I sat down and enjoyed it from cover to cover. Every story seemed to be written just for me.

If this is what I’ve been missing, I won’t let it happen again! Thanks for the renewed strength.

Carol Gee
Burbank, California


I cannot begin to tell you how much the New Era has meant in my life. I received a copy of the New Era at the Young Women fireside in November of 1985, and it has strengthened my life. At first it just sat on my desk collecting dust. Then one day I came home from junior high feeling depressed, so I thought I would take a little peek. It just so happened that I spent the rest of the afternoon reading it—all!

Today I had a quarrel with my friend. When I got home from school I just fell on my bed and started to read the New Era. Then I prayed. Then I apologized to my friend, and the rest of the day has been wonderful!

I love the New Era so much, and I always know it is there when I need it, because we’re now subscribing to it.

Wendy Findgren
Sandy, Utah

Soon after I ask

Thank you for printing the best magazine there could possibly be. Every issue helps tremendously, since I’m so isolated up here. It’s hard when there are only six girls my age who regularly attend church, and they all go to different schools. My other friends don’t always understand my standards, and I find it hard to explain. Most of my problems are usually answered in the New Era soon after I ask Heavenly Father for help. I really loved the article “Making Your Sister Your Friend” and the seven values in the Young Women issue. I also enjoyed “How Rare a Possession—the Scriptures!” in the December 1985 issue.

Colleen Irwin
Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada

Only the best

I would like a one-year gift subscription to your awe-inspiring magazine. I truly do love all of the thoughts I receive after reading it. My friend Roxane just got baptized in December. I hope she enjoys this subscription. When the Lord said “How great shall be your joy” for bringing even one soul to him, he wasn’t kidding. I grew so much from being able to have the missionary lessons taught to her. I love her with all my heart, and she deserves only the best counsel the Church has to offer—the New Era. Thank you so very very much.

Christina J. Carson
Panorama City, California

Even when I’m cold

I can’t believe that I am writing this letter. I never would have believed that an article could have such a profound effect on my life. I have always read the scriptures, but you made me study them. I was having trouble with my companion, and the article “My Other Companions” in the December 1985 New Era changed that. I found that if I loved the scriptures I loved my companion.

I hope you will give a thank-you to Sister Sandra Stallings who was inspired to write this article. My personal scripture study hour seems like only minutes—even when I’m tired and cold.

Elder Steven Fitzgerald
Mexico Hermosillo Mission

A special special issue

I’m taking a moment to express my thanks, not only for the New Era but especially for the special Young Women Special Issue. As a mother and Young Women leader I can’t thank you enough for the outstanding compilation of superior counsel, poems, and music. It is a thrilling and moving experience to read this issue. Thanks so much for caring enough to prepare this special issue. I hope this will be an annual event. My three daughters and I are enjoying it so much, and we are referring to it weekly in Young Women. We are singing the special song “I Walk by Faith” at our New Beginnings program.

Alice Ann Harrop
Creston, Iowa

Best for talks

Hi. I am so grateful to read all the stories in the New Era. I read it just before I go to bed and before going to seminary in the morning. I also find that the New Era helps me when I’m down. But the New Era is the best to turn to when your bishop, Young Women leader, or Sunday School teacher asks you to give a talk!

Thanks for the January 1986 article “Never Go into Winchell’s without Buying a Doughnut.” I love ya, New Era.

Deanna Wells
Heidelberg, Germany

Why me?

When I read “The Swing” by Sharon Bradley in your February 1986 issue, I felt the Spirit. Even though it was fiction, I understand what Kari was going through. No, I don’t have cancer, but like her I have often felt “Why me?” I’d just like to thank you and Sister Bradley for the touching story.

Chantie Glover
Ivins, Utah

A guideline

Thank you for printing “The Cream of the Crop” in the February New Era. It really helped me. When I first looked at it I thought, “Oh no, another article on how rock and pop music are the worst things we could listen to. But then I saw how wrong I was. Instead of putting down the music, it gave a guideline on how to listen to the songs that make me happiest.

Shanna Brunson
Sutter Creek, California
