July 1986

“Feedback,” New Era, July 1986, 3


The ways of the world

I am currently serving in the Australia Perth Mission. I felt a desire to express my gratitude for the wonderful stories centered on missionary experiences.

I especially enjoyed the story “And When the Night Came” by Jack Weyland in the December 1985 issue. It is so true that it is very hard (at times) to keep your mind centered on the work. In the world today, with all the luxuries available, there are times when the ways of the world seem to take over your mind.

That is why I wanted to thank you for your stories focused on missionaries and the encounters they face while serving the Lord. I know now, more than ever, that the ways of the world don’t compare to the Lord’s work and our eternal salvation.

Thank you, New Era, for being such a good friend and example while I’m serving the Lord thousands of miles away from home.

Elder Scott Anderson
Australia Perth Mission

Why I’m here

I would like to thank you for the time and effort that was put forth in the Young Women special issue. The stories deeply touched my heart. They helped me understand why I’m here and what my goals are in life. I will treasure it always.

Chris Burton
Ogden, Utah


I thought it was great to have a poster in the December 1985 New Era. I can’t think of a better way to decorate our home. The youth find posters in all kinds of magazines and have them all over their rooms. It would be great to replace some of these with Church-related posters. What a great missionary tool. Friends could see new posters each month in teenagers’ rooms. Thanks so much for the poster. It will be in our dining room. Lots of our friends will see it there.

Sister Wilson
APO New York

In perspective

I would like to thank you for printing “Name Them One by One” in the January 1986 issue. It made me think about all of my blessings. I am blessed a lot, just as Kim is. Last summer I was in a competition in which I did my best, but I still placed third out of three competitors at the state level. What I learned from the loss was that I, like Kim, needed to keep things in perspective. Now I am trying to get back to state level to try again. Thanks again for printing the story. You’ve made my day.

Tamara Thomsen
Oklawaha, Florida

A birthday baptism

I am 23 years old and nine months old in the Church. Yesterday was my birthday. I celebrated it by baptizing my friend into the Church. This was my second chance to perform this ordinance. I baptized my younger brother a month after my own baptism.

Being a Mormon is the best thing in my entire life. I would like to express my gratitude to the missionaries who visited my country. They have helped me live a better, happier life.

I would also like to thank you, New Era, for the outstanding articles each month. They are really uplifting, especially when I read about young men being called to serve missions. The Spirit tells me more than ever to strive and work harder to become a good missionary next year. Thank you, New Era, for helping me strengthen my testimony.

Edward Dube
Kwe-Kwe, Zimbabwe

I was confused

I’m 16 years old and not a member of the LDS church. I’ve been receiving the New Era for about a year now, and I have grown to love the articles in it. I wait diligently every month for the latest issue, reading my old ones to see if I’ve missed anything.

I thank you for printing “And When the Night Came” by Jack Weyland in the December issue. That story touched me. Like Elder Todd Bradford I was confused. I like my worldly possessions, but I realized I would gladly give them up just to be a member of your wonderful church and help build up the kingdom of God.

William Snegirev
Palmer, Alaska


My best friend was baptized recently. I am so proud of her. We are like sisters. She and her family are very special to me. “Here, Elder Myers” in the November 1985 issue reminded me of my friend’s family. My other favorite story was “A Thanksgiving Prayer.” It has such a strong feeling!

I don’t think my friend even knows about the New Era. Do you think I should give her a year’s subscription?

Karin Webb
Sacramento, California

Poster power

I have enjoyed reading the New Era very much. It has kept me going in times of depression. I have always looked forward to each issue, reading it from cover to cover every month. I have especially enjoyed the Mormonads. They are always effective and inspiring. I post every one on my wall. They are the first thing I see when I get up, and they keep me going. I certainly appreciated the poster in the December issue. I hope that in the future you will continue to publish Mormonad posters so I don’t end up tearing out parts of my favorite articles which are on the opposite side of the ad.

Lacey Haymore
Broderick, California

Smiling forward

Thank you very much for the February 1986 issue with the article “Smiling Back.” It made me understand how much I love the gospel and helped me realize that Cathy developed many talents that I have not yet found. From now on I’m going to do my best at developing my talents and choosing the right.

Terry Onychuk
West Bank, British Columbia, Canada
