“Feedback,” New Era, Mar. 1987, 3
A real-life story
I would like to express my appreciation for J. Scott Henrie’s article “Harley-Davidson” which was published in the August 1985 New Era.
This story closely parallels the situation in my own family. I am about to complete my mission. When I came on my mission my youngest brother was 19 years old and totally inactive in the Church. His favorite pastime was motorbike riding, and he’d become involved with a “bad” group and was using drugs and was in trouble with the law.
When I read your story last year it really touched me. I could compare myself to Paul and my brother to Gus. At the same time as I read your story I also received a letter from my brother (the first in two months). He told me how proud he was of me for serving a mission and how he bragged to his friends about me. I never knew before how he’d felt about me and my mission. I had thought he didn’t care. But then I had hope for him—inspired by your story! I love that story. I posted it to my brother with my next letter.
A couple of weeks later he wrote me again and thanked me for the story and said it was great. Then he told me how he’d gone to church and seen the bishop and was trying to get his life straightened out. The next letter told me of his plans for a mission later this year. Since then he’s never missed church. Last May he was ordained an elder.
Of course I’m very happy. I know that my fasting and prayers have been answered. Your story has a place in my journal along with my brother’s letters. I wanted to share this with you because I thought you might enjoy a real-life story with a happy ending. Brother Henrie’s story was certainly inspired!
Name Withheld
When we care
I appreciate the article “The Last Quarter Mile” in the March 1986 issue. It taught me just how much can be accomplished when we care and show that we care. It also reminded me of a few times when people thought I didn’t care enough because I let myself be stopped by obstacles I could have overcome.
It was a very good article and helped me evaluate myself. I wish everyone could have the opportunity to read the New Era, because then maybe there would be more love between people. Each article in the New Era teaches a lesson that helps us understand people and learn what we can do to have stronger relationships.
Shaelene Kennon
Hydesville, California
You never know
I am a full-time lady missionary assigned to the Philippines Cebu Mission. I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the New Era magazine. Since I became a member of the Church, I’ve been reading Church magazines, and they’ve always helped my spirituality.
I was much impressed by the article “You Never Know” by Elder John H. Groberg in the March 1986 New Era. My thanks to the author.
I am so thankful for being called to serve God and my fellowmen. Now I’m about to go home. My testimony of the Church and the gospel grows stronger daily. It is very important to be an example to everybody in all places and at all times—just like Elder Groberg said. “We never know who may be listening to what we say or watching what we do.” Thanks a lot!
Sister Dolores A. Quenano
Philippines Cebu Mission
Don’t forget us
We are writing to tell you how the New Era is used in New Zealand, especially at Church College. The school library always has the latest copy on the magazine stand, and there is also a collection of old copies bound together. The students often use thoughts, etc., in assembly and devotionals. Some dorm students cut out portions of the magazine (especially the cartoons and Mormonads) and pin them on the notice boards over our beds.
Hopefully one day there will be an article on New Zealand, because we have seen articles on countries close to us like Tahiti and Australia. Thanks for your great magazine. Keep up the inspirational stories, and don’t forget us down here!
Shane Palmer and Michael Johnson
Church College of New Zealand
Thank you for the great magazine. I enjoy reading the articles each month. They are very inspiring, and I am able to relate most of them to my life. I especially liked the article “Forces in Life” in the May New Era. I recently turned 16 and started dating. The article helped me make some difficult decisions.
Beverly Thornock
Boise, Idaho
It lifts me up
I really enjoy the New Era. It just lifts me up when I read it. When I have problems I just start reading, and usually there’s something in there that helps me out. It’s a great magazine. I believe it really helps young adults. I know it does me.
Doreen Kilgore
Raleigh, Mississippi
The devourer
I am continually impressed by the quality of articles, poems, and messages of uplift and spirituality in the New Era. I can devour enormous quantities of them in one sitting, while remaining totally enthralled and involved. The Church magazines are ideal for talks and teaching situations. I’ve used them frequently. They are the ideal reference material. I’ve especially appreciated the contact with the New Era while on my mission, because so many of the articles deal with this privileged work. I’m grateful to be serving with you in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ abroad!
Sister Cathrine Cluff
England Leeds Mission