undefined undefined Called to Serve
Called to Serve
July 1987

“Called to Serve,” New Era, July 1987, 45

Called to Serve

First Quorum of the Seventy

The First Presidency announced the callings of eight new members of the First Quorum of the Seventy, bringing to 62 the number of members of that quorum.

George R. Hill III

George R. Hill III

John Roger Lasater

John Roger Lasater

Douglas J. Martin

Douglas J. Martin

Alexander B. Morrison

Alexander B. Morrison

L. Aldin Porter

L. Aldin Porter

Glen Larkin Rudd

Glen Larkin Rudd

Douglas H. Smith

Douglas H. Smith

Lynn Andrew Sorensen

Lynn Andrew Sorensen

Calls were extended to George R. Hill III from Salt Lake City, Utah; John Roger Lasater of Farmington, Utah; Douglas J. Martin of Hamilton, New Zealand; Alexander B. Morrison of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; L. Aldin Porter from Meridian, Idaho; Glen Larkin Rudd of Salt Lake City, Utah; Douglas H. Smith of Salt Lake City, Utah; and Lynn Andrew Sorensen of Salt Lake City, Utah.

Young Women

Elaine L. Jack of Salt Lake City, was called as second counselor in the general presidency of the Young Women. Sister Jack and her husband are the parents of four sons.

Elaine L. Jack

Elaine L. Jack