July 1987

“Feedback,” New Era, July 1987, 3


Excitement on our street

Thank you for the quality of motivating literature and illustrations you provide. There is excitement on our street each month as the mailboxes hold a new month’s issue. To hear the youth shout back and forth that the Eras are here is a very warming experience.

I have taught a Mia Maid class for a few years and rely on the New Era to help me appear creative, insightful, and ever so wise. I acknowledge the New Era as the source of the best of the realizations that stir my testimony and love for the youth as I teach, learn, cry, and laugh. I am acutely aware of how important it is that the youth be properly prepared for valiant reactions to the world they live in. I sincerely appreciate the support which has been an answer to my prayers of concern over inadequacy to assume such a humbling responsibility in youth leadership.

Karen Havemann
Orem, Utah

What we would expect

We enjoyed reading the story “Kelly” by Sandra Stallings in the September New Era. Kelly served in the Texas San Antonio Mission when Elder Vaughn Featherstone was mission president. Kelly was assigned to our ward (San Antonio First Ward) for many months. He touched our lives and those of many others here when he served his mission. Our son, now 16, remembers him, and part of our son’s desire to serve a mission is a result of the impression Kelly made on him eight years ago.

Kelly voluntarily underwent surgery on December 28, 1984, to donate a kidney to a friend. As the article relates, that surgery was one of the most difficult for him to recover from. We who know Kelly were not surprised to learn what he had done. It is what we would expect of that great person Sister Stallings recognized in her class.

Daniel Dreher
San Antonio First Ward

In the fold

I was inspired to read the September 1986 issue. My favorite story was “Back to the Fold.” It reminded me of my own past as a “lost sheep” and “prodigal son.” I was inactive for six years. I had a lot of hard times and no happiness outside the Church.

Becoming active again in the Church has brought much more happiness and many blessings in my life. I never felt so much love in Christ as I do now. I’m serving as a full-time missionary to the deaf. I want to express my love and thanks to my family and friends and especially to a loving Heavenly Father for having patience when I was inactive. It’s so good to be back in the fold. I feel like jumping for joy.

My soul aches when I see others on the wrong path. My prayers are with those who are lost and need to be brought into the fold. Those who are found and fellowshipped will be blessed in the last days.

Elder Scott Ellison
Oregon Portland Mission

The wisdom of Solomon

I am a 13-year-old and love to read the New Era. As soon as I get it, I sit down and read it from cover to cover. I especially enjoyed “Pumping Charity” in the September 1986 issue. It made me realize that we ought to do more charitable things. I also enjoy the Mormonads. My favorite one was “Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful” in the July 1986 issue. It’s great that they are now available in poster size. Thank you for everything.

Annie Solomon
Modesto, California

Please come back

The New Era is so spiritually uplifting it takes my breath away. Thank you for the article “Taking Time to Care” in the November issue. I cried all the way through it. My brother is inactive, and I love him so much. I’m trying to bring him back because I want him to be my brother forever. Please come back, Paul.

I love my Heavenly Father so much. A year ago I was feeling very bad about myself, and he sent me a wonderful group of new friends, all of whom are Church members, and they all have become my very best friends. They always accept me for who I am and never judge me. I love them so much.

Julie Thompson
Edmonds, Washington

An eye-opener

The New Era is my favorite magazine. I eagerly await each issue. I particularly want to thank you for the February 1987 issue on temple marriage. My best friend is getting married in the temple in June, and after I read that issue from cover to cover, I let her borrow it. It was really an eye-opener for us both and answered a lot of questions we had. It also made me realize what a blessing it is to get married in the temple, and it makes it even easier to stick to my goal of going there someday. But when I’m in doubt, you can be sure I’ll sit down and read it all over again!

Kathy Allen
Bryce, Utah

So glad and proud

Since I was a small child I have known I would be married in the temple. I never thought of any other way of being married. The articles in the February 1987 issue were great! They made me realize how fortunate I am to have an entire family of Mormons.

I am so glad and proud to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I’m thankful that if found worthy, my mate and I can go to the temple and be sealed for time and all eternity, not just “till death do us part.”

The New Era helps me so much when I’m feeling down. I’ll pick up the New Era, read the cartoons or one article, and suddenly I feel a lot better. Thank you for the great magazine.

Jane Stowers
Gold Beach, Oregon
