September 1987

“Feedback,” New Era, Sept. 1987, 3


Taking stands

I have always been encouraged by the letters in Feedback, and I thank your for it. I finally found an issue that moved me to write—the February 1987 courtship and marriage issue. As soon as I saw it I had to read it cover to cover. It gave me strength to know that my taking stands against immorality of all kinds is righteous.

Temple marriage has always been a number-one goal, and now even more so. My testimony of righteous love has been confirmed and strengthened. Thank you so much, New Era!

Rachel Vigue
Pleasantville, New Jersey

The greatest friend

As I was looking through the Feedback section of the September 1986 New Era, I was touched by a letter titled “I wish I had a friend.” I am not inactive, nor are my parents, but I have moved around a lot ever since I was three. The longest I’ve ever lived in one place is four years. I know how hard it is to become accepted and feel good in a new ward. Many times I have thought of giving up. I even started to feel rebellious against the Church. But after great thought I came to realize that maybe Heavenly Father is just testing us and that we are never alone as long as we have the gospel and continue to learn and pray. The Holy Ghost is with us, and he is the greatest friend we could ever have.

Joy Hensley
Henderson, Nevada

Wide-eyed and gaping

Ever since I was a young lad, ice skating has fascinated me. In those days a much-better-than-average figure skater would keep us, old and young, wide-eyed and gaping by whirling around on the ponds and lakes west of Salt Lake City. Next in my mind comes the nearly incomparable Sonja Henie, winner and crowd pleaser of many international awards. Of course there have been others since.

Now comes Holly Cook. I saw her perform with a group of New York skaters in the Bountiful Rink. It was a memorable experience, leaving a photograph in my mind that I hope will never be erased. As she sped and flew around the ice in the most graceful movements, it left the same emotions as listening to the great Utah Symphony Orchestra.

For some years I have subscribed to and ardently read the New Era. Why? Perhaps because I have a life full of grandkids in their teens. They are the greatest, just like most other Mormon teenagers. The New Era helps me to understand how they think and act.

Janet Thomas faced a tremendous challenge in telling your readers about the talent of Holly Cook. If a television screen could have been inserted between the pages of your article, the task would have been simple. Of course, this could not be done.

Sister Thomas and her co-workers did a masterful job depicting Holly, both in words and photographs. The shadow photos accomplished the nigh impossible.

It is indeed most gratifying to have the editors of the New Era uphold Church standards and at the same time put clearly across a fundamental message.

Cyrus H. Gold
Bountiful, Utah

Over and over

I am a soldier in the US Army. I am stationed in Siegelsbach, West Germany, about 50 miles from Stuttgart.

My parents have given me a subscription to the Ensign and the New Era. Being isolated as I am, it is great to receive these monthly publications. The messages from the General Authorities always seem to apply to my daily life. The stories, especially about missionary work, are always excellent.

I enjoy reading the Church magazines over and over. Sometimes I leave them on my desk in my room, and my roommates (who are all non-LDS) pick them up and read them. I can see by the looks on their faces that they are as impressed as I am. Thank you for touching my life.

PV2 Eric L. Gillins
Military Police, US Army Europe


I’m a missionary serving in the Costa Rica San Jose Mission. I’ve enjoyed the New Era since I was 13 years old. Each issue has had articles that have helped me. The article by Vicki Leavitt Driggs in the November 1986 issue, entitled “The Grudge” seemed to be meant especially for me. It helped me tremendously with my own particular problem.

Normally, I get along well with the people I meet, and as a missionary, of course, I meet and work with a lot of different people. But I’ve had to work with a certain individual with whom it has been very difficult for me to get along. I was really feeling awful inside. I didn’t want to have bad feelings about anyone, especially one with whom I had to be very closely associated.

A couple of days ago this person did something that really hurt me. I felt quite angry and was even more “unkindly disposed” toward her than I had previously been.

When I returned to my apartment, I opened the November issue of the New Era I had just received from my parents. I started to read “The Grudge.” After reading it I realized that I felt exactly like the girl in the story. I knew I had to talk to this person whom I was allowing to make me have these negative feelings. I had to clear the air.

That’s exactly what I did. Now things are better between us than ever before. Thank you so much for this story.

Sister Cami Oscarson
Costa Rica San Jose Mission

A profound influence

I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate the quality of the New Era, especially the February 1987 issue on courtship and marriage. It has had a profound influence on my three girls and myself.

Dian Waddoups
Grand Junction, Colorado
