Be on His Side
October 1987

“Be on His Side,” New Era, Oct. 1987, 29

Talk of the Month:
Be on His Side

Walter Stover, who has lived a life of service (see “Freely Given” in the May 1987 New Era), received the BYU Presidential Citation at the school’s August 1986 commencement exercises. He responded with these words:

My mind goes back to Germany some 64 years ago when from the land of Zion came two fine young missionaries, Brother Wayne Kartchner and Brother Otto Andre. My wife and I were just newlyweds at that time, and they taught us the gospel. They came very often to our home. We were good prospects to them, and they liked us very well. And they liked my wife’s good cooking too.

So we soon were led to the waters of baptism, and on a cold night in 1923 we were baptized in a big river near the city.

I came to America thereafter, and I can truly say I love this great land of opportunity. Wonderful opportunities lie in store for all of you. Just keep the laws of God. Be on his side, and he will bless you.

Now I want to bear my testimony that I know that God lives. With all my heart I know that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior and the Redeemer and my personal Savior. I know that he directed the Prophet Joseph Smith to organize The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the only true and living church on the face of the earth.

May God bless you, my brothers and sisters and friends. May he instill in your hearts a testimony of the gospel that it may grow from day to day, I humbly pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

Detail from a painting by Carl Bloch
