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November 1987

“Feedback,” New Era, Nov. 1987, 3


No garbage

I am an 18-year-old, and I was really impressed with the article on the Wolfgramm family in the December 1986 New Era. It was really great to find out that they are members of the Church.

My parents have sometimes commented on the type of music that I listen to and how questionable it is. I don’t have to worry about the music from the Jets. It’s upbeat and doesn’t have any kind of garbage in it. It’s nice to know that we have people like the Wolfgramms on our side.

Charles R. Dougle
29 Palms, California

On the inside

In ward conference today they gave each young man and woman in the ward a Mormonad poster. My poster was from the July 1986 issue. It was the one that said: Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful. The headline was beautiful, but it didn’t inspire me as much as the scripture below. It read: “The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart” (1 Sam. 16:7).

This has inspired me to try to make a goal to look on the inside instead of the outside. Thanks so much for the inspiring poster.

Kenda Christensen
Ririe, Idaho


Just a note to plead with you to publish more Mormonad posters! I am an early-morning seminary teacher here in Hawaii, and I have had my posters laminated and used them as incentives for my students to read their scriptures daily. A student can receive a laminated poster by reading for 60 consecutive days. The students love them, and I love giving them.

I have gone through my collection of magazine-size Mormonads and compiled a list of the ones I’d like to see in poster size. I’m panicked at the prospect of not having new ones to use next year.

Teddie Newhouse
Honolulu, Hawaii

More caring

I’ve always liked the Mormonads in the New Era. I was really impressed with the one in the October 1983 issue which said “When Saw We Thee a Stranger?” I think we all need to be more caring toward one another. I look forward to seeing more of these great Mormonads. The New Era is a great magazine.

Jenny Burke
Orem, Utah

Go for it, England!

I’m writing to say “Come on, you Latter-day Saints of England.”

I have read about four Feedback sections (I know that’s not very many, but I haven’t been in the Church all that long), but I can’t recall one letter from England. I feel as if there is only one stake in the whole of the U.K.

So I plead with all of you youth from Stains Stake and all over England to write to this great Church youth magazine. Prove to the Stains Stake youth that Latter-day Saints do exist elsewhere. So England, as we say, go for it!

New Era, I would just like to say thank you for your concern for LDS youth. All of us love you for it.

Jeremy Carling
Slough, Berkshire, England

No matter what

When I came to Connecticut to be a nanny, my mom sent with me about three New Eras. They helped me very much during the first two weeks of homesickness. We always had the New Era in my home when I was younger, but I never appreciated it until I was away from home. My aunt subscribed to it for me as an early Christmas present. I was so happy.

I’m from Utah, and coming out East, away from my ward and my family was hard, but the New Era has helped me a great deal through the bad times. I look forward to every issue, and the stories just seem to get better and better. I especially liked “Afterwards Refreshments Will Be Served” in the April 1987 issue. It is comforting to know that, no matter what, Heavenly Father will be waiting with open arms to help us in time of need.

The New Era has been very uplifting to me many times. And here, where Latter-day Saints are a minority, it’s nice to have something that has to do with the Church around the house. The gospel has been such a strength in my life. I’m so grateful to be a member of the true and living church. Thanks so much for the New Era! Don’t ever stop publishing it!

Jayne Gardner
Greenwich, Connecticut

Many years to come

The New Era is really great. I am 14, and I live in West Jordan, Utah. I have received the New Era for a few years. My favorite issue is the Young Women Special Issue published in November 1985. I really loved the stories and song in that magazine.

I also love the great messages in all the Mormonads. I also love the colorful covers and super photographs throughout the whole magazine!

I know that you have probably received many compliments about the New Era, but I wanted you to know that I think it is wonderful. I hope I get to read it for many years to come.

Tami Kummer
West Jordan, Utah

One two three

Thank you with all my heart for the April 1987 issue, especially for three excellent articles and the lessons taught in them: (1) “The Spider” by David Brinley—All creatures are entitled to life and joy; (2) “My Enemy, My Friend” by Lea Mahoney—All human beings are Heavenly Father’s children; (3) “When a Friend Dies” by Jon B. Fish—Our friendships are eternal.

I was deeply touched by all three. Please publish many more of this caliber.

Benjamin Urrutia
Salt Lake City, Utah