“It’s Not Fair,” New Era, Nov. 1987, 50
Scripture Lifeline:
“It’s Not Fair”
“It’s not fair,” I muttered to no one in particular, but my best friend, Stephanie, heard me.
“What’s not fair?” she asked.
As we walked home from school together, I tried to explain. I began by saying that I’d always been a tomboy and that I’d never learn to be a “little mother,” even though I was the oldest of four children. I absolutely hated doing the dishes, and I hated arguing with my mom.
I kicked a pebble in disgust because home seemed rotten sometimes.
“Not only that,” I complained, “my parents don’t even live under the same roof.” Stephanie, who had only recently begun teaching me about the Church, was very quiet for a moment. Later, she would tell me that during that time in her life she had been hesitant about establishing friendships with people whose homes had such a different atmosphere than what she was used to. Nevertheless, she quickly came to a decision.
After walking along the road a little farther, she decided to use a scripture, rather than trying to tell me what was wrong with my attitude. Quoting the words of Nephi she said:
“And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them” (1 Ne. 3:7).
The quotation from her church’s scriptures was new to me because I had never read the Book of Mormon, although she had challenged me to do so. Stephanie knew that I’d been taught the Ten Commandments and that I was familiar with the commandment to honor parents. She told me that I could obey the commandments because the Lord would help me, and that I could solve my problems by trusting that the Lord would prepare a way for me.
Today, four years later, I enjoy a really good friendship with both of my parents. I am also a member of the Church. Although I experienced family pressure not to join and I only had a small testimony, I persisted, waited, and built up my testimony.
Finally, ten days after my 18th birthday, I was able to be baptized. How did I last so long without becoming discouraged or giving up? I trusted in the Lord, and he prepared a way for me to obey his commandments.
Illustrated by Dave McDonald