undefined undefined Feedback
January 1988

“Feedback,” New Era, Jan. 1988, 3


Born in B’ville

Thank you for “Hometown” in the April 1987 New Era. I’m a grandmother of ten, and my hometown is Bartlesville. We now live in Dewey three miles away.

I was born in B’ville, and my mother became a convert to the Church when I was two years of age. I saw the Church grow from two families to two wards.

I was the first young person from B’ville to be married in the temple. While growing up my brother and I were sometimes the only LDS students in high school. It’s wonderful to see the young people in the hometown article. I taught the mother of Traci and Jeff Waldrop in the Mia Maid class. My husband is stake patriarch and has given most of these young people their patriarchal blessings.

My husband and I had four children, two boys and two girls. They were always active in the Church and have all been married in the temple.

Yes, we think Bartlesville is a wonderful place to raise children. The Church is growing, and we’re so very grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives. The article brings back so many memories of my youth.

Betty Ker
Dewey, Oklahoma

No place in the world

I really enjoy reading the New Era each month, especially the articles about hometowns. I live in Laie, Hawaii. Most people don’t know where that is, but I don’t know why because it is the location of three major attractions: the Hawaii Temple, BYU Hawaii campus, and the Polynesian Cultural Center. I have lived here for 11 years. My dad is the choir director at BYU—HC. I never really realized how lucky I was to live here. I get to live in a small community where there is hardly any crime, and you know everyone. We get all the benefits BYU has to offer plus having the temple so close by.

The best thing about our close-knit community is that there are so many different ethnic groups because of the university. Some people wonder how we could live here because the nearest major grocery and department store is 45 miles away. Everyone who has been here says there is no place in the world the same as this.

Rebecca Kay Smith
Laie, Hawaii

Some great sisters

Although we have 20 grandchildren, I still love to read the New Era each month, so it was a great thrill when we saw the article “Lead Where You Are Going” by Wayne B. Lynn in the April New Era. This article included a letter from our daughter, Roberta Shirley. I sadly add that she passed away last September.

We also have some great sister missionaries in our ward at this time, Sister Anderson and Sister McHan. They’re doing a great job.

Ada Dean
Kirtland, New Mexico

The priceless possession

I became an avid reader of the New Era when I came on my mission. Since then I have come across many faith-promoting articles that have touched me and strengthened my testimony of the gospel so much.

One of the articles I treasured most was “A Priceless Possession: How to Gain a Testimony of the Book of Mormon” by Daniel H. Ludlow in the October 1986 issue. After reading it, all missionaries in Singapore, including myself, decided to use the priceless possession in dispelling the spirit of skepticism and physical proof-seeking among the people with whom we’ve placed the Book of Mormon.

We are aware that most of the people outside the circle of the Church are apprehensive about the Book of Mormon. I have witnessed this myself as one of the struggling missionaries in Singapore, trying to teach skeptical people about our church. We are very lucky to have “A Priceless Possession” published in the New Era in this timely manner, for it really gives us a great deal of help.

I can also vividly remember that during our “Word of Wisdom” openhouse held in Singapore last February, we used “A Priceless Possession” to impress upon the minds of visitors and investigators that the only proof we can provide for them is the indelible evidence one can receive for himself if he carefully and humbly follows the outlined steps written by the prophet Moroni in Moroni 10:3–5. [Moro. 10:3–5]

I’m still reproducing copies of this article, because I’ve found it to be very effective in teaching investigators how to gain an independent testimony of the Book of Mormon. Always and forever I will be grateful to our awesome magazine—the New Era—for publishing “A Priceless Possession.”

Elder Roger C. Quilang
Singapore Mission

Things I didn’t know

I would like to thank you for a great magazine. When it comes in the mail I begin reading it, and it doesn’t get put down until I’ve read it from cover to cover.

I especially loved the February 1987 issue. I really enjoyed FYI. It told me many things I didn’t know. I’ve read a lot of books and magazines, but none are as good as the New Era. It’s the greatest!

Dave Palmer
Dayton, Nevada

Wish me luck

I just read “Back to the Fold” in the September 1986 New Era. I think it’s a great article.

I have a friend at school who’s not active, and I’ve been trying to think of ways to help her become active again. I invite her to activities, but she always refuses. The suggestions in that article really helped me to figure out what I should do. Thanks a lot. And wish me luck!

Jenny Rosso
Bangor, Maine