July 1988

“Feedback,” New Era, July 1988, 3



May I tell you how much our family enjoys the New Era each month. We have two teenage girls who read the New Era and love it, and we are grateful for the additional strength it gives our youth.

As a Young Women president may I tell you how much I appreciate the Mormonads. They are wonderful and get a powerful message across in one beautiful, full-color poster. We purchased two sets for our ward and continually use them to get across our message each Sunday.

The last poster, SERVICE—GET A HANDLE ON IT, was especially good, and our family looks forward to more coming each month. What a wonderful way to spotlight a gospel principle both at home and at church.

Mrs. Lynn Long
San Jose, California

In control in Indiana

Thank you for putting Elder Robert E. Wells’s article “In Control” in the September issue of the New Era. I am a missionary serving in the Indiana Indianapolis Mission, and in the 15 months that I’ve been out, “In Control” is one of the best articles I have read.

It really made me think about my mission. A lot of what Elder Wells covered is what missionaries teach. I wish that everybody that we come in contact with would read it. It’s a powerful article and is so true. I would encourage all LDS youth to read it.

The New Era is a great magazine. It has helped me several times and has affected my whole family.

Elder Brian Allen
Indiana Indianapolis Mission

Hungry for knowledge

I just had to write and tell you how much the New Era means to me. It is just as great a help out here in the California Los Angeles Mission as it was when I used to get it back home before that. I just love to read all the Church magazines and newspapers I can get my hands on.

I had glanced through the New Era from time to time after I joined the Church, but not being very strong in the Church for the first three years or so, I was not interested in reading it.

A few years ago I was given a very special home teacher who made the difference in my life. Both my spiritual and mental attitude had to change, a change I was ready to make when he walked into my life. We talked about my sudden strong interest to really find out about this church I had joined in 1979. I had a sudden, overwhelming desire to read all the Church books I had in my house, one right after another without worry about lack of sleep, reading most of the night. It took me no more than two weeks to complete my collection of 12 Church books.

One day while waiting at his home to go to some activity with his family, I picked up their copy of the New Era. I soon found myself engrossed with it. He asked if I received Church newspapers or magazines, as I was the sole member of the Church in the home. I mentioned that I got the Church News which was promptly put on my bed the day it arrived, but otherwise no.

A few months later I found that this special home teacher gave this hungry-for-knowledge member a gift of the magazine. The subscription ran out just before my mission began. I still enjoy the New Era here in the mission field.

Sister Robin Freeman
California Los Angeles Mission

Happily shocked

I don’t know what to say! I was pleasantly surprised and happily shocked when I found the August 1987 contest issue of the New Era in my mailbox. I guess it came at the perfect time for me.

My older sister and I are both interested in drama. She is a wonderful actress and sister, but it seemed as though we were always competing against each other. I was beginning to think perhaps drama wasn’t really for me because of it, but your issue helped me to understand that we can share the drama field while at the same time we each have our own talents. For instance, she sings and I play the piano. She writes and I decorate. Even now the Lord is waiting for the right time in our lives to bless us with even more. Thank you for a wonderful magazine that adds so much to my life.

Incidentally, why not have Mormonads in every issue? I don’t subscribe for them, but it certainly is a nice touch!

Name withheld

Why we are here

About three weeks ago I received four New Eras. My companion and I were at our weekly meeting, and I was practically bombarded with requests to read them. Just looking through those magazines gave all of us the desire to read every word of every one of them. Since that time I have read all four and so have my district leader and his companion. And now my companion is reading them. I especially enjoyed the June 1987 issue regarding the Aaronic Priesthood. I hope that we all remember why we are here and that we can all live worthy enough to “inherit all that the father has.” We work hard every day to bring the gospel to a loving people. Thanks for helping us re-realize our purpose here.

Elder Ken Basinger
Paraguay Asuncion Mission

It’s me again

Sorry! It’s me again—Jeremy from Slough Ward. I’m writing to apologize to the Staines stake. In my Feedback letter I spelled Staines S-t-a-i-n-s as in stain down the shirt. I am so, so sorry. I feel dumb. Anyway, thanks, New Era, for publishing my letter. Already it’s started a chain reaction through the stake and our ward, so be ready, America! The Cavalry of England are coming.

Jeremy Carling
Slough, Berkshire, England
