undefined undefined Feedback
December 1988

“Feedback,” New Era, Dec. 1988, 3


Pleasantly surprised

This past summer I moved from West Virginia to Arizona. So naturally I was thrilled to see the feature article “Almost Heaven” in the December 1987 issue. I enjoy reading about different LDS youth all over the world. I always hoped you would come to West Virginia to write about the youth there. But since our numbers were so few, I didn’t think it could ever really happen.

Then I got my December issue of the New Era. I was very pleasantly surprised. It was so great to see familiar surroundings and read of the lifestyle I knew so well. I remember the home-study seminary, heavy snows, and once-a-month Super Saturdays. The LDS youth here in Arizona have never experienced things like that. They don’t know what it’s like to go to school with only five or six Mormons.

I’m truly thankful I grew up with those challenges because it made my testimony very strong and has made me appreciate the many members I can be with now. I have been blessed to experience both worlds. Thank you so much for such a wonderful magazine to cherish each month. And thanks for “Almost Heaven.” I even got to see an old friend of mine, Lea Gonzales.

Tabitha Sanders
Mesa, Arizona

Who needs Christmas?

I just finished reading “Who Needs Christmas?” in the December 1987 issue. I would like to take this time to write and say that I really appreciate the wonderful and uplifting articles in the New Era! I especially love this article because a few years before I came on my mission I always had a hard time expressing my love, just like the young missionary in this article. It helped me to think about how love can make someone happy whether it is a relative, a friend, or just someone who needs it. This article was very touching. The examples and feelings are bound to help all the young people who have the problem of expressing love.

I deeply appreciate the articles in the New Era. I’m thankful for all they have done for me.

Elder Andres V. Pungan
North Carolina Raleigh Mission

Island people

I saw the article in the October 1987 New Era about Puerto Rico, and I really enjoyed it. I really love the island people, and I enjoy hearing about the different islands. It’s good to see the Lord’s work going forth among the islands of the sea.

You see, I’m a missionary in the Micronesia Guam Mission. I’m serving on the island of Pohnpei, and I have served on two other islands, so I’ve really grown to love these people.

Maybe someday you could do a story on the Micronesia Guam Mission. You’ll find that it’s quite a bit different than any other mission. Just ask our mission president.

Well, back to Puerto Rico. I’m really interested in that island. The people sound like great people.

Elder Jeff Berry
Micronesia Guam Mission

More and more

Today I’ve read more stories out of the New Era than ever before, and I really love them. I’m going to start reading it more and more. I’m glad my dad encourages me each month to read it. He is a very good example for me. I really enjoyed “What I Didn’t Get for Christmas” in the December 1987 issue. It makes me appreciate Christmas even more.

Natalie Hardy
Circleville, Utah

Here in Indiana

I enjoy reading the Feedback section every month to see how the New Era is making a great impact on those who read it. In the mission field we read it faithfully each month, and each month I learn a lot. The articles seem to coincide with my situations.

I enjoyed the article “Called to Serve Him” in the March 1988 issue. Through his article, Elder Waldo P. Call bore a powerful testimony of missionary work. I wish that every young person could know the blessings of full-time missionary work. It is great! My mission has changed my life and my attitude about spiritual things. I wouldn’t feel this way if I neglected to serve my Heavenly Father.

Elder Call quoted the hymn “Called to Serve,” and in the Indiana Mission we sing a third verse also. “Called to serve him, here in Indiana, Blessing others with the truth restored; Mighty servants here in Indiana, Testifying of the Lord.”

What a rich blessing it is to give two years of your life to testify of the Savior! It is an experience I will treasure forever. I am nearing the end of my mission, and I wish it wouldn’t end. The New Era has helped me often here in the mission field, and for that I thank you.

Elder Bruce L. Allen
Indiana Indianapolis Mission

Righteous rummaging

As I was rummaging through some old magazines I found three New Eras that I didn’t even know we had. I was pretty excited, and I practically bounced down the stairs to tell my mom what I had found. Today as I was reading the August 1985 issue I saw the story “Harley-Davidson,” and I read it. I think that was one of the best stories I have ever read in the New Era! It was simply wonderful! I also read the article about the movie made from Jack Weyland’s story “The Award.” Our branch has the videotape of that movie, and I borrowed it and within a week I had watched it four or five times. I could watch it forever and never get bored! It was done very well. My favorite part was when Mary Beth got the corsage and card. It really touched me and made me think. Thanks for everything!

April Breidenbaugh
North Vernon, Indiana