March 1989

“Feedback,” New Era, Mar. 1989, 3


Juvenile by definition

I would like to give my sincere thanks to the New Era magazine. You’ve been a constant pick-me-up since I first discovered you! I appreciate all constructive criticism, but I cannot say I agree with the reader who said that the New Era was too juvenile and unbelievable.

The New Era is aimed at the youth of the Church, and all others come secondary. The word juvenile means “suitable or designed for young people” (Collins English Dictionary). The Latin root is “Juvenilis” meaning youthful. Indeed in this sense the New Era is juvenile, and that is how it ought to be. When did it become a crime to be youthful?

The New Era is in no sense “unbelievable.” The contents of our magazine should strengthen the children of God. We are daily exposed to all the buffetings of Satan. We need to build ourselves up spiritually to cope with all the worldly influences. The New Era plays a vital role. This is indeed the reason our God inspired the Brethren to give us this magazine.

The articles serve their purposes. Some may be fact, and some fiction, but this doesn’t really matter. What is of importance is that as youth of the noble birthright, the chosen generation, we can identify with the everyday troubles and concerns that plague our minds. We gain increased insight, guidance, and love of men, and this all from one monthly magazine just 50 pages long!

The New Era is not unbelievable and only in the right context is it juvenile. It serves its cause, and the cause is great. I love the New Era. Long may it live!

Gary MacCabe-MacNaughton
Clydebank, Scotland

A better tomorrow

Going through the New Era I find inestimable pleasure and joy. The articles have inspired me. The New Era has given me a completely new outlook on life. “The Law of Chastity” by President Benson in the January 1988 issue has reaffirmed my trust in God and high respect for morality.

Studying the New Era alongside the standard works makes a wonderful combination. I am indeed grateful. The New Era has in no small way strengthened my hopes of a better tomorrow and a celestial world hereafter.

Smart N. Usang
Ekori, Obulora, C.R.S., Nigeria

Homesickness remedy

I am an exchange student in Lyon, France, and also a member of the Craig Second Ward, Meeker Colorado Stake. I have been in France for five months. This experience has helped me to grow in maturity and has strengthened my testimony even more. The beginning was quite difficult. If it weren’t for the Church here I don’t think I would ever have made it! To help me get through homesickness I read the Church magazines. The most important thing I have learned here besides the culture and language is that I love my family and the gospel more than anything else. For the remaining time I hope to share the gospel and fellowship those I meet here. I want to thank the New Era for being a great influence and reminding us all how very precious the Church is and the blessings we receive by being members.

Lynne Seely
Lyon, France

If we believe

I am living in a foster home in Dalton, Nebraska. My foster parents are both pastors for a Lutheran church here. The New Era magazines that my grandmother gives me are a good influence on how I live my life today. There was a story in the June 1985 issue on a young man who almost drowned. It made me realize the powers that our Heavenly Father will marshall in our behalf if we really believe. I just want to tell everyone that no matter what the situation, you can count on our Heavenly Father and the knowledge we have of the scriptures. Those are things that will never die as long as you don’t let them.

Cassie Jackson
Dalton, Nebraska

Funny money

I just wanted to say thanks for the great articles and stories on Australia printed in the New Era. I also wanted to tell you that there’s no such thing as a 1981 half penny as pictured in the story “If I Weren’t a Mormon” in the April 1988 issue. I guess I also want to see my name in the New Era.

Elder A. J. Powell
England London Mission

Awesome Assyrians

I am an avid reader of the New Era. I have learned many things from it that have helped me on my mission. One of the articles that I have treasured the most is “Assorted Assyrians” by Betty Curry in the January 1988 issue. The story really touched me, and I even shed tears. As a missionary in the Philippines Davao Mission, I have experienced lots of difficulties, and that article made me realize that I am here for a purpose. I realized I had to trust in God and obey his will. Thank you for an awesome magazine!

Sister Cabigunda
Philippines Davao Mission

How much I have

I’ve been reading the New Era for about four months now. The articles have helped me to realize how much I have, like my wonderful family who care a lot about me, the great Church I’m a part of, my terrific leaders, my one-of-a-kind bishop. Those are just a few of the things and people your articles have helped me stop taking for granted.

I’m not a member of the LDS church, but today I was blessed with the opportunity to become the secretary of the Beehives. The March 1988 issue on service helped me understand about service to others. Thanks for helping me.

Nancy Martinez
West Valley City, Utah
