“Feedback,” New Era, Oct. 1989, 3
Why not us?
I really enjoy the New Era. Many of the articles have helped me when I feel low.
As I was reading the February 1989 issue, I wondered why there is never anything mentioned about South Africa. The youth in the ward I belong to are very accomplished. We even have a Springbok Scout (which is the equivalent of an Eagle Scout). Most of our youth take seminary, and we have two home-study classes. Our ward started out very small, but we have grown very much over the last couple of years.
I enjoy the Mormonads and the Mormonisms. I have the Mormonad about adversity on my notice board in my study, and it is a strength to me.
The song “I Walk by Faith,” which was in the Young Women’s special issue, has also been a great strength. I still hum it to myself often, and it has reminded me who I am and helped me to keep my thoughts clean.
I found the article in the February 1989 issue “Will the Real Me Please Stand Up,” helped, as often I don’t write what I feel for fear of someone reading what I have written.
Thank you for the great magazine.
Angela Jacobs
Johannesburg, South Africa
Story ideas
We enjoy the New Era, but we wish you would do more articles on animals, both wild and domestic. Could you do an article on being kind to animals and their proper treatment and care? There is so much cruelty and neglect of animals in this world. They are Heavenly Father’s creations, too, and we don’t think he likes to see them mistreated.
Could you also do some articles on respecting other people’s property? We see so much vandalism and lack of respect for people and property that we wonder what children are being taught and what their parents were taught when they were growing up?
Jackie and Edith Dawson
Layton, Utah
Hill climb
Competitive cyclists ride all day towards what they classify as the supreme goal. We are missionaries serving in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, and we are on bikes. We ride all day, every day, towards what we call the ultimate goal. No hill is too big, no climb is insurmountable, no destination is too far away.
In serving the Lord the hills we face are only small obstacles when we consider the love and happiness we receive from serving others. Reading the New Era helps us to accomplish our service.
Elder Brent C. Stinson
Elder Mark J. Judge
North Balwyn, Victoria, Australia
Big fan
I have been a fan of yours for a long time! I started reading your magazine long before I was old enough to be considered a youth. There is a definite element of sincerity in this magazine that is not to be found in very many magazines today. It is obvious to me that the New Era is published to bring hope and enlightenment to Latter-day Saints.
I am also very impressed with the Question and Answer section that has been a regular feature for the past few months. The advice it contains has helped me many times already. It is a wonderful idea.
MaryAnne Pilling
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
I am a person who gets frightened really easily. When I get that way, really scared, I switch on some music and read the New Era. Within five minutes all my fears are gone. The magazine is so uplifting. I and many others thank you deeply.
Renae Derrick,
Luna, New Mexico
A lot of effort
I have always enjoyed reading the New Era, but not until recently have I realized how much goes into putting it together.
Our seminary visited the Church Office Building in Salt Lake City and went on the floors involved in putting together the magazines. We were amazed at all of the friendly people and all of the time and effort they put into making each issue the best possible.
After seeing all of this effort firsthand, I will always appreciate the New Era and be sure I read it from cover to cover.
Rebecca Clark
Midland, Michigan