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October 1989
Do What They Think You Can’t Do
Henry B. Eyring
Make It a Good Day
Elaine Cannon
Oh, _ _ _ _ _ _ _!
Coleen Layton
The Write Prescription
Diane Brinkman
Q&A: Questions and Answers
Something to Hold On To
Janet Thomas
I Will Lead You
Clive Romney and Ron Simpson
Ryan Moody
Petrea and Brian Kelly
The Girl in the Mirror
Dayle King Searle
Getting Things Started
Lisa A. Johnson
Fasting Is What?
Larry Hiller
FYI: For Your Information
Nauvoo Teenager: Henry Sanderson
William G. Hartley
Dian Saderup
When Words Fail
Harold S. Walker
Photo of the Month
“Photo of the Month,” New Era, Oct. 1989, 51
Photo of the Month by Rex Strother