FYI: For Your Information
November 1989

“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, Nov. 1989, 40–43

For Your Information

Be a Good Guest

You’ve been invited to accompany your friend’s family on a trip. Or you’ve gone to stay with your cousins for a week or two. How do you become the kind of guest that your hosts will love to have come again? Here are a few suggestions.

Be polite. The words thank-you and please should be said often. At the end of your visit, be sure to thank your hosts.

Be cooperative. If you see that your host is trying to get a meal prepared or trying to organize some activity, be the first to offer to help.

Be flexible. Go along with the plans of your hosts. Be willing to change what you had hoped to do if the group wants to do something else.

Help everyone have fun. Don’t let your own shyness stop you from getting to know your hosts or other members of the family. Try making conversation with the adults. Spend a few minutes with the younger children. They will all appreciate your efforts.

And finally, after you return home, write a thank-you note to your hosts. Even though you verbally told them what a nice time you had, it is part of being a good guest to write a thank-you note.

New Heights

Kimberly K. Harris, of the North Ogden Utah Third Ward, was chosen to participate in a ten-week Leadership America program. As part of the program, the group joined some Soviet students to climb the highest mountain peak in Russia.

Kimberly has learned how to make it to the top. She graduated from high school as valedictorian of her class. She earned numerous awards for outstanding scholarship, including a plaque as one of three BYU students to maintain a 4.0 grade point. She is presently serving a mission in Guatemala.

Active 8th Grader

Tiffany Johnson of the Lafayette Ward, Lafayette Indiana Stake, received the Principal’s Award given to the outstanding eighth grade student for attitude, citizenship, and scholastic achievement. Tiffany also received the Presidential Academic Fitness Award and was accepted into the National Junior Honor Society. She represented her class when she served as a page for the Indiana state senate.

Tiffany has also served as Beehive class president.

An All-Star

Sherry Magleby, 12, of the Annandale, Virginia First Ward, received the Principal’s Award for the Outstanding Seventh-Grade Girl in her school. She is an all-star swimmer in a summer league and also serves as a counselor in the presidency of her Beehive class.

Only One

Ben O’Brien of the Temple View Second Ward, Temple View New Zealand Stake, was the only LDS student and only boy from New Zealand to attend a youth peace conference in India. The conference was held for youth from the Pacific to get together to discuss how they could help bring peace and harmony into the world.

Ben applied to participate in the program before he realized that all of the other 34 participants from New Zealand were from girls’ schools. But he felt that the experience of learning about a new culture as well as serving with others was too good to miss.

The group from New Zealand lived with families in India as part of their tour. They also visited hospitals and offered comfort to the ill. They talked with lepers and their children. Ben found that even with the language barrier, the patients in hospitals were cheered by their visits.

In Calcutta the group met and talked with Mother Theresa, and they worked in her orphanage and home for the elderly and mentally handicapped. They also spent time helping Bangladesh refugees.

Ben said of his experience, “It opened up your heart. It was easy to feel the spirit of Christ’s love. Through all their trials and despite what they don’t have, these people want to give to others.”

The experience made 18-year-old Ben even more eager to serve a mission.

On Trial

To conclude their year of study of the New Testament, the three seminary classes of Merced, California, held a mock trial to hear witnesses give testimony about the death and resurrection of the Savior. To add authenticity to the proceedings, they received permission to use a local courtroom at 6:00 A.M.

Students were selected as jurors, court reporter, bailiff, and members of the press. Others were asked to participate as witnesses, representing biblical characters. The trial was conducted with witnesses testifying as to what they knew and had seen. Each witness was cross-examined. The courtroom was crowded with spectators as those students not assigned parts were invited to watch.

The jury returned with a verdict, indicating that the evidence presented supported the claim that Christ died on the cross and was resurrected.

The seminary students were involved in something out of the ordinary and were given the chance to examine the significance of the world-changing nature of the crucifixion and resurrection.

Good Student

Travis Bell of the Pocatello 53rd Ward, Pocatello Idaho Highland Stake, was named to high school wrestling’s All-American Scholastic Team. He maintained straight A’s and graduated as covaledictorian of his class while taking the state wrestling championship three times in his weight class. He was also an eight-time state freestyle wrestling champion.

Travis was youth chairman for his stake’s youth super activity.

Hard Working

Scott Bateman of the Draper Eighth Ward, Draper Utah North Stake, has had his hard work pay off for him. He is a manager at his after-school job, earns excellent grades in school, and has been recognized for his short hand abilities. He is president of his Junior Achievement company in school. He had also served for four years in the presidencies of his seminary classes.

In addition, Scott stays close to his family and enjoys karate, photography, and scripture study as hobbies.

Family Band

The three Hazen sisters, Jody, Amy, and Kacy, sing about their beliefs as they introduce the gospel through music. Their family band, The Hazen Persuasions, has presented firesides in wards in the Meeker Colorado Stake and in surrounding areas.

With Mom on the keyboards, Dad at the drums, and family friend Rob McBride on guitar, the sisters sing and share their feelings and thoughts about Jesus Christ and his church. They have enjoyed improving their talents and reaching out to help others change lives for good.

Speaking Out

David Campbell, a priest in the Medicine Hat Second Ward, Taber Alberta Stake, is a member of the Canadian debating team that won the world debating championships held in Australia.

David served a student-body president at his high school during his senior year. He credits his parents, teachers, and church leaders at the top of his list of those who helped him achieve success as a debater.

Values Quilt

The Young Women of the mountain Home First Ward, Mountain Home Idaho Stake, made a quilt featuring the Young Women motto in the center. The corner blocks were class symbols, and the remaining blocks represented the Young Women values. Each girl selected a value and then a design to represent that value on her block. The girls embroidered or cross-stitched their designs. They learned to quilt as the blocks were assembled. The finished quilt was presented to the outgoing ward Young Women presidency.

Top Spot

Kenneth Kinney, a priest in the Skowhegan Ward, Bangor Maine Stake, took first place in marketing at the Maine State Annual Leadership Conference for the Distributive Education Clubs of America. Two hundred students took part in testing their skills in marketing, merchandising, and distributing.

Kenneth’s first-place honor entitled him to compete at the National DECA conference. His family was particularly proud of his achievement since Kenneth is hearing impaired.

Photography by Phil Shurtleff

Kimberly K. Harris

Tiffany Johnson

Sherry Magleby

Ben with a friendly boa constrictor and with one of the group in the mountain costume.

Ben O’Brien discussing world peace in India.

Examining truth by trial in California.

Travis Bell

Scott Bateman

Singing to help change lives for good in Colorado.

David Campbell

Kenneth Kinney
