undefined undefined Feedback
December 1989

“Feedback,” New Era, Dec. 1989, 3


Cover to cover

I have been reading the New Era for many years now. I began by reading just the Mormonisms and now, nine years later, read it cover to cover. As a college student, away from my family, it provides me with inspiration and strength.

One thing I would really appreciate, however, is at least one article about the sister missionaries. I have read so many excellent articles and stories about the elders, and I can’t seem to remember any about the sisters. I am sure they have been there, but many more would be appreciated.

Heather Scott
Brooklyn, New York

Really home

I’d like to thank you for publishing Kendra Kasl Phair’s article “Going Home” in the January 1989 issue. I am 15 years old and have lived in five states as well as Germany and Africa. I, too, have sometimes felt that I’m missing out on the traditional aspects of hometown America, but I also know that our moving so often has allowed my family to grow closer together. In between posts, my brother and sisters and I have been our own best friends, and we’ve shared experiences we couldn’t possibly have had living in just one place.

Amy Cragun
Kinshasa, Zaire, Africa

Brief encounters

I’ve really been feeling that it’s time I write to you and tell you what a great tool of conversion the New Era is—my conversion at least. Right how I’m on a mission, and although I’ve been a member all my life, it was only a year ago that I was really converted to the gospel. Even through the most rebellious periods of my life I could always find something on the cover of my sister’s New Era to make me just curious enough to open it. I really believe those brief encounters with the New Era played a very important part in helping me to get to where I am now.

Elder Casey Horton
Little Rock Arkansas Mission

New dedication

I truly enjoy your magazine, but unfortunately, I seldom find time to read each issue. The June 1989 issue was different! Something made me sit down and read this special issue. I began with the first article and read from cover to cover in one sitting. I have never felt so uplifted, inspired, and determined.

I am a 17-year-old girl living in a small town in a very rural area of Georgia. My ward is known in the Georgia Atlanta Mission for having close to no baptisms. I never knew why this reputation bothered me so much until now.

I came away from reading this issue with tears in my eyes and new dedication in my heart to change the reputation of my little ward and to see it filled with new converts. I feel a kinship to Chea. His vigor and enthusiasm inspired me. He is a great example of the spirit of missionary work that we all should possess. I pray that the spirit I am filled with now will stay with me. I have never felt such a strong desire to share the gospel. Thank you for this issue. I can never say how much it has meant to me.

Susan Kroesser
Cochran, Georgia

No tipping

I have a complaint to make. In the April 1989 issue, there was something called the Etiquette Quiz. It was question 16 that was displeasing to us. It read, “When you eat in a restaurant, you only need to tip when you can afford it and you think the service has been good.” We answered true because it is perfectly true in England, but according to the answers printed with the quiz, it is false.

We are opposed to the way the New Era and magazines like it apply to the American community only. It doesn’t seem to involve the thousands of readers who live in the United Kingdom.

Marisa Turner
Lisa Curl
Melanie Dann
Lesley Coppin
Lucy Shearer
M. Hamilton
S. Terry
P. Turner
Richmond, N. Yorks, England


In the printing process, the photographer’s name was omitted from the Photo of the Month in the September 1989 New Era. Candy Young was the imaginative photographer who shot the photo.