undefined undefined Room in the Inn
Room in the Inn
December 1989

“Room in the Inn,” New Era, Dec. 1989, 10–11

In Tune:

Room in the Inn

With expression

1. Ah, Joseph, how you wearily implore

that someone will have pity on your plight,

And, with compassion, open wide the door—

For Jesus will be born this holy night.

Will no one offer shelter to the stranger?

Must Christ the King be cradled in a manger?


That night there was no room in the inn;

This night may there be room within—

Within my heart for him.

2. Ah, Mary, how you patiently endure!

While heav’n awaits the blessed baby’s birth,

You wait outside the inn—alone, obscure—

And pray for some compassion here on earth!

You would have given shelter to the stranger.

Why must your Son lie cradled in a manger?


3. O Father, how thy sons and daughters cry—

The lonely ones, the weary, the oppressed.

Fill thou my heart with love, that I may try

To lift another’s burden, give him rest.

Oh, may I have compassion for the stranger.

Remembering that Baby in a manger!


Copyright © 1988 by Marvin K. Gardner and Vanja Y. Watkins. Used by permission. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use.

Music, Room in the Inn
Music, Room in the Inn