July 1991

“Feedback,” New Era, July 1991, 3


Sharing the secret

I just finished reading your January 1991 issue. I’m 12, and it’s probably the first time I’ve really sat down and read it cover to cover. I found two very interesting articles, “Friends” and “Secret Granddaughters.” My mom is going to request that we use the idea from “Secret Granddaughters” in Young Women. I think it would be a good experience for the young women and older sisters in our ward.

Lisa Nicholson
Eugene, Oregon

A powerful example

Thank you so much for the wonderful article in the February 1991 issue entitled “The Power of Your Example.” It has encouraged me to set the example I should.

I have learned that our actions, whether good or bad, are always seen by someone. There aren’t any other members of the Church in my school or town. Many people have questions concerning the Church, and many also try to find fault with the Church. I don’t want them to find fault through my example.

Cami Cochrane
Bohmte, Germany

Back in Britain

I became a member of the Church while I was living in Italy. When I came back home I fell away from the Church. Thanks to the missionaries and the New Era magazine, I have found my way back. The January 1991 edition was uplifting. Reading it I realized what I had been depriving myself of.

Heather Tolley
West Yorkshire, England

Your own kind of beautiful

I am writing concerning your article “Too Much” in the February 1991 issue. It is insulting and wrong.

My friends and I are just the people you described in your article. I would like you to know that I am a very happy person, the first counselor in my Laurel class presidency, and very active in school and church. Just because someone looks a certain way doesn’t mean they’re not happy.

Different people have different styles. Isn’t it a Mormonad that reads,“Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful”?

Andrea Erckenbrack
Sacramento, California

Anchored on the outback

I live on a property about 300 kilometers out of Winton, North Queensland, Australia. The nearest chapel to me is 800 kilometers away and since I am the only Latter-day Saint around here, the New Era has become a real friend and an anchor to me. Keep up the excellent work.

Monica Boyd Pratt
Winton, Australia

Wiping away hard feelings

I really enjoyed the story “Wipeout” in the January 1991 issue. I also have three younger sisters and tend to be hard on them. That story was written just for me, so I could learn to appreciate how unique and important each of my sisters is. I want them to know I love them with all my heart.

Mandi Fast
Phelan, California

Credits Where They’re Due

Editors note: We inadvertently left out two credit lines for photography in the May 1991 New Era. The Mormonad photos on page 15 were by Craig Dimond, and the banner at the top of pages 22–23 was photographed by Greg Reece. Thanks to both for their work!
