Guess Who
July 1991

“Guess Who,” New Era, July 1991, 12

Guess Who

Can you identify these missionaries? Here’s your chance to play detective.

Prophets of God have all learned the meaning of missionary work. They have served in the Lord’s vineyard—planting, grafting, pruning, and nurturing. Each prophet has given his all in service to his fellowmen.

See if you can identify each of these latter-day prophets from the descriptions of incidents on their missions:

  1. Which prophet left on a mission to the southern states after only a week of marriage? His bride joined him a few months later, and they served in the mission field together. In his younger days he enjoyed singing humorous songs. He was an outstanding Scouter.

  2. Which prophet was the first missionary in Ireland? A Methodist lay-preacher before joining the Church, he eventually served four missions. While on a European mission, he directed the first translation of the Book of Mormon into French and German.

  3. This prophet served six missions. During a mission to Great Britain, he baptized 600 people in a little over a month. He once baptized several people in a city pond while angry mobsters threw stones at him, almost knocking him unconscious. As a boy he was well known for being an excellent fisherman.

  4. Which prophet received a mission call to the Swiss-German Mission, but because of the threat of war, was reassigned to the Central States Mission? He once played the piano to introduce the gospel while on his mission.

  5. On his way to serve in England, the second youngest man to be called as prophet of the Church wore a hat made by his wife from an old pair of pantaloons. He bought a new hat with the little money he had left over when he reached his destination. On his mission he worked so hard that he said he poured blood out of his boots many nights after laboring in the “field of white.”

  6. Which prophet labored closest to Salt Lake City in the Western States Mission? When invited into a home, this young elder would play the piano to break the ice. One of his companions carried a cello in order to accompany him. This prophet began teaching school at only 17 years of age, not much older than his students. He later helped design the Church Welfare System, and organized the first branch of the Church in Jerusalem.

  7. The first president of the Church born in the western United States, this prophet opened several missions, including Japan. While presiding over the European Mission he had an interview with King Oscar II of Sweden. By his 20th birthday this young man owned his own company and had become one of Salt Lake City’s more influential and successful businessmen. He was called as a General Authority at the age of 26.

  8. While laboring in the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii), he drowned and was brought back to life. He later said he knew the boat he was traveling on would sink, but he also knew the Lord was not finished with him. While serving a mission in England, he presented Queen Victoria with a copy of the Book of Mormon. He was the shortest prophet in this dispensation.

  9. Which prophet was called on a mission to Hawaii at the age of 15? He was the last president to personally know the Prophet Joseph Smith. As a boy of ten, he drove a team of oxen 1,000 miles to the Salt Lake Valley. He initiated the seminary program while President of the Church.

  10. Which prophet served a mission to the British Isles and then waited for his girlfriend to return from her mission? They dated and waited for seven years before being married. Before serving his mission, this young man was called as a Scoutmaster. Before one long hike a barber agreed to let all the Scouts have a free hair cut if he could shave their Scoutmaster’s head. The future president of the Church agreed and wore a shaved head until his hair grew back.

  11. This prophet served two quick missions to Canada and later one short mission to the eastern states. Of his several missions, most were journeys to help the Saints.

  12. This prophet served a mission to Scotland after graduating as the president and valedictorian of his university class. While laboring in the British Isles this missionary read an inscription in stone above a castle gate that so affected him, he dedicated his life to missionary work. The inscription read, “Whate’er Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part.”

  13. Which prophet was called to serve a mission in the British Isles after only one year of marriage? He was the son of another prophet. For nine years after his return he served as a stake missionary in Salt Lake City.

Double Bonus: How many of the 13 latter-day prophets have served missions in the British Isles?


Double Bonus Answer:

  • A. George Albert Smith

    B. John Taylor

    C. Wilford Woodruff

    D. Spencer W. Kimball

    E. Brigham Young

    F. Harold B. Lee

    G. Heber J. Grant

    H. Lorenzo Snow

    I. Joseph F. Smith

    J. Ezra Taft Benson

    K. Joseph Smith

    L. David O. McKay

    M. Joseph Fielding Smith

  • Of the 13 latter-day prophets, 10 have served missions in the British Isles—all except Joseph Smith, Spencer W. Kimball, and Harold B. Lee.

Still life photography by Peggy Jellinghausen
