October 1991

“Feedback,” New Era, Oct. 1991, 50


Noticed in Africa

I live in a country where everything at the moment is very uncertain. I am the only Latter-day Saint in my family, and it is a true blessing to receive the New Era.

I lost my father in a glider accident and I felt awful for many months afterward. The articles “Soaring” and “After Dad Died” (April 1991) helped me very much. Thank you for bringing such a good magazine to the youth of South Africa. Your work does not go unnoticed.

Melissa Anna Messmer
Krugersdorp, South Africa

Not planet pleasing

“Greetings! I’m writing to let you know that I love your product, but I’m very concerned about its effect on the environment. Isn’t there some way you can package it in a more ecologically sound way?”

I’m thrilled that an article on ecological concerns has finally been published (FYI: Planet Pleasing, July 1991). However, to receive the magazine in heavy plastic wrapping bothers me.

I do understand that without plastic the magazine will at times be ripped or weather damaged. But that seems like nothing next to the home Heavenly Father gave us to take care of.

Heather M. Scott
New York City, New York

Editor’s note: Recyclable plastic wrap is used to send two or more magazines to an address. This packaging allows us to substantially reduce postage costs. The money saved keeps the subscription price of the magazines at a level that everyone can afford.

Therefore, we need your help. Your local supermarket should have a recycling bin for plastic bags. Collect the wrappers and take them to the supermarket so the plastic can be reused.

A mission to read

Before my mission I had never read much of the New Era, but since leaving home I haven’t missed an issue. Thank you so much for the warm and inspiring articles and thanks for the December issues that make Christmas away from home special.

Elder Mark C. Black
Apia Samoa Mission

What’s behind the logo?

Every month I look forward to receiving the New Era. I read it from cover to cover.

Your Q&A sections have been especially helpful to me. Every time I have a problem, the answers always seem to end up behind the New Era symbol.

Erin Ercanbrack
Roy, Utah

Faith to move monsoons

I want to thank you for the great article you published in the April 1991 issue titled “Faith to Move Monsoons.” I am from Arizona but have been living overseas for a year now. When I read that article and saw many of my friends diligently serving the Lord it put a smile on my face.

Heidi Berthold
Florennes, Belgium

Subway service

I am a 15-year-old boy. I really like your Mormonad pictures and try to include them in the way I act toward people.

One of my favorite stories is the one about the blind man who was trying to get on the subway and several people helped him without hesitation (“Three O’Clock Charity,” February 1991).

Don Gowen
South Jordan, Utah
