Super Steps to Celebrating
December 1991

“Super Steps to Celebrating,” New Era, Dec. 1991, 24

Super Steps to Celebrating

Spread joy by having a party that is worthy of the season.

A Good Deed Night

Help the helpless (paint a bathroom for a widow), or visit the sick (take along Christmas decorations), or pay a tribute to your bishop or principal (prepare a parchment scroll with elegant printing). And when the church has been cleaned, the walks swept, the program presented, or the painting done—when the good deed is finished—break bread. Fresh bagels with fruit, cheese, Christmas jam, and milk are perfect.

A Do-It-Yourself New Year’s Eve

Gather your friends and have all the makings for a large do-it-yourself New Year’s Eve party to send to your ward’s missionaries. Have guests bring a novelty gift, horn, hat, or treat to include in the box. Sugar cookies can be frosted by guests to eat or pack in the package. Give prizes for the funniest, prettiest, or most appropriate cookies. Have 5-by-8-inch cards ready for people to write advice, news, or greetings to the elders. Take photos of the group and send the package away so that it arrives before New Year’s Eve.

(December 1971, p. 18.)
