“Contents,” New Era, May 1992
The Message: Priesthood Power Elder J. Richard ClarkeBearing the priesthood is a great honor—live to be worthy of it.
Your Turn to Teach Shane BarkerWhat to do when they hand you the manual and the chalk.
How I Know: With All My Heart Seth H. BoyleI knew a mission was the right thing to do, but could I really testify?
Following In His Footsteps Rachel RackhamThe long hike in the dark would have been impossible without Dad leading the way.
Q&A: Questions and AnswersI have a big mouth. I often say things I don’t mean and later regret. How can I get my mouth under control?
Mormonad: Don’t Sell Yourself Short
The Secret of His Success Lisa A. JohnsonOlivio rose from poverty in Africa to pro basketball in Portugal. Then the Mormons recruited him.
Jumpin’ in Juneau Larry A. HillerWhen they’re not splashing in glacial lakes, these kids make a splash on a jump-rope team.
Fiction: First Flight Jack WeylandHeaded for the MTC, he was leaving a lot behind. But he was taking at least a two-year supply of love.
Everyday Heroes: A Starring Role Diane HoffmanBecki stood by her values and lost the lead in the school musical.
FYI: For Your Info
Today in Dombo Tombo Esinath MutumanjiFrom a small town in Zimbabwe, a simple story of honesty and example.
Profanity Elder Robert K. DellenbachIs your language appropriate for a child of God? If not, here’s why—and how—to change.
FeedbackLetters to the Editor
Photo of the Month Allexis Zirkle
Poem: Weather Poems Tanya M. Draper
Cover: Carly Perkins of Juneau, Alaska, is just one of many LDS young people in that part of the world who jump at the chance to live life to the fullest. See p. 26. Cover photography: Jed Clark (front), John Luke (back).