August 1992

“Feedback,” New Era, Aug. 1992, 50


You’re not alone

I am writing in appreciation for the article “Learning the Ropes” in the February 1992 New Era. This article has changed my life and I’m not sure why. I felt the Spirit so strongly when I read this article that it brought tears to my eyes, and I don’t cry easily. Many times I’ve had to defend myself and my religion because people don’t understand why I won’t drink or use the other harmful substances they do. I guess the reason I was so touched is that sometimes I feel so alone, like I am the only one “not doing it.” It makes me feel very confident and satisfied to know other people are in my situation.

Ruth Evans
Bridgeland, Utah

Serious about education

Thanks for the great article you published in the October 1991 issue entitled “Giving It a College Try.” As a freshman in high school I had four advanced classes. That year I watched many of my friends slack off and just have fun. Your article really helped me understand what I need to do in order to get into a good college. Thanks for all your wonderful articles, especially this one.

Stephanie Rawlinson
Havre, Montana

This is a test

Our Lakeridge Second Ward enjoyed your April 1992 issue. After reading the magazine, the youth of our ward got together and had a test on what we had read. It was fun and challenging. The New Era has some great ideas for fun Young Women and Young Men activities. Keep the magazines flowing because we love them.

Heather Ellet
Magna, Utah

True confession

I have a confession to make. I thought I was too mature to read the New Era. That all changed one evening when I picked up the February 1992 issue and began reading it. I was impressed with the article “Learning the Ropes,” I laughed until I cried with the “Prom Trap,” really related to “Am I Worthy?” and found just what I was looking for in “The Ghost of Carrots Past.” Needless to say, I read the whole issue from cover to cover and loved every word.

Elder Ryan Church
Australia Brisbane Mission

A lasting impact

I had to write and tell you how much I appreciate your magazine. It is so terrific. Scripture Lifeline helps me realize why it’s so important to read my scriptures, and the How I Know section has taught me how to find the truth and recognize the answers. The articles about other people and their courage to stand up for what is right make me want to be more courageous and valiant. Thanks for making me love the gospel and myself more.

Carolee Anderson
Boise, Idaho

The honest truth

I really enjoyed your article “Stretching the Truth” (April 1992). It had some good points about how deceit and exaggeration can lead to untrue stories and lies. The story gave me a greater understanding of the importance of telling the truth and being honest.

Kimberlee Orcutt
Arcadia, California
