O Savior, Thou Who Healed the Sick
August 1992

“O Savior, Thou Who Healed the Sick,” New Era, Aug. 1992, 15

O Savior, Thou Who Healed the Sick


First-Place Hymn

1. O Savior, thou who healed the sick

And caused the blind to see;

O thou who cured the leper’s plague,

Wilt thou attend to me.

2. O Savior, thou who tamed the storm

And walked upon the sea;

Wilt thou who calmed the waves and winds,

Please calm the storms in me.

3. O Savior, thou who taught the wise

And hushed the Pharisee;

O thou who sees and knoweth all,

Lend sight, I pray, to me.

4. O Savior, thou who with two fish

And five small loaves of bread

Provided for a multitude,

May I by thee be fed.

Copyright © 1992 by Kaimi Wenger. Used by permission. This music may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church and home use.

Music, O Savior, Thou Who Healed the Sic

Photography by Jed Clark

Lettering by James Fedor
