All I Said Was …
November 1992

“All I Said Was … ,” New Era, Nov. 1992, 9

Special Issue:
Welcome to the British Isles

All I Said Was …

Mentioning my membership made me a missionary.

Rayleigh, Essex, England—

I was talking to a new employee working in my office, and I don’t know how we got around to it, but I mentioned I was Mormon. He appeared very interested, because he said he had recently visited another church and had found nothing there, but that he was looking for a church that made sense.

A young adult convention (conference) was coming up on Saturday, so I invited him along to that, and we had some good fun. He met a lot of new friends. I let him introduce himself, and he really participated. The next day, he came to our regular church meetings. It was fast Sunday, and we all came in to testimony meeting together.

Three times during the meeting he got up and walked out into the corridor. I saw him pacing up and down, still listening intently. Then, about ten minutes from the end of the meeting, he got up and bore his testimony! He said the Spirit had borne witness to him and told him the Church is true.

He came up to me after the meeting and asked if I could arrange to have the missionaries teach him. He’s having that done now. I’d only known him for a few days, but I was impressed to see how the Spirit could guide him. Just by fellowshipping him a little, we had helped him find the truth. This experience has taught me that member missionary work is important, even the basic things like just mentioning you’re Mormon.

Illustrated by Scott Greer
