At the Last Moment
November 1992

“At the Last Moment,” New Era, Nov. 1992, 12

Special Issue:
Welcome to the British Isles

How I Know:

At the Last Moment

The hassles at school had left me confused. Could I bear a testimony I wasn’t sure of?

Cardiff, Wales—

I had an experience that I thought was going to be awful, but from it I gained my testimony.

I’d been having some hassles in school. One of my teachers was making anti-Mormon comments and telling people that since I was a Mormon I wasn’t Christian. A few of my friends started asking me if what I believed in wasn’t a bit farfetched. All these questions made me wonder about the Church.

About this time, I got a letter from the stake president asking me to bear my testimony in our stake conference. I thought, What am I going to do? I wasn’t even sure I had a testimony.

The more I thought about it, the more unsure I was. I started fasting and praying about it, and I just wasn’t getting an answer. I had grown up in the Church, but I had relied on my parents’ testimonies. Up until then, I had never tried to find out for myself.

The more I prayed, the more disheartened I became. I wasn’t getting an answer at all. I was thinking that if there was really someone there, he would answer me.

The day before stake conference, I was fasting, and I still hadn’t received an answer.

We drove to stake conference, and I still didn’t have an answer.

I was sitting on the stand, waiting to bear my testimony, and I still hadn’t received an answer.

Then as the speaker before me was closing, this feeling just came over me that was fantastic. I was filled with the Spirit. I got up and bore my testimony. I was only supposed to speak for five minutes, but I went on for about ten.

I’m glad I have my answer, and I know that Heavenly Father knew about me and answered my prayer.

Illustrated by Chris Creek

Photography by Matt Reier
