“Contents,” New Era, Jan. 1993
The Message: From Darkness to Light: The Gift of Repentance Elder Helvecio MartinsIt’s the way back from darkness and sorrow to light and joy.
Mormonad: Repentance Is Strong Soap
Norman’s Song Norman HillDean taught Norman a new song and taught a powerful lesson to the whole bus.
Everyday Heroes: Mission Accomplished Christie GilesThese “secret agents of love” in wacky costumes bring love and friendship.
Scripture Lifeline: Just a Teenager Ann JacobsMy talk with a stranger on Temple Square taught me I can be a missionary.
Q&A: Questions and AnswersHow can I help the homeless and the hungry when I don’t even have a job myself? I feel guilty not doing anything, but what can I do?
How I Know: I Expected Miracles Tara PearsonI wanted something big, but that small, warm feeling was the answer I needed.
Small Branches, Big Blessings Laury LivseyHow LDS teens are finding a rich spiritual life in small towns everywhere.
My Very Own 911 Dawn ThurstonWhen things went wrong at the party, I was glad I could call Dad.
Finding Your Way in Madrid Lisa A. JohnsonSpanish teens help each other navigate around the pitfalls of the big city.
FYI: For Your Info
Fiction: Pride of Lions Eugene E. WoodburyForrest might be a “shophead,” but he knows a jackal when he sees one.
Like Yourself George I. CannonDon’t like the person in the mirror? Reflect on these suggestions.
Take Time Lucy-Anne StanburyInvesting time in the scriptures brought big dividends to this student.
No More a Stranger John Nelson SchneiderMembers of a small French branch show love for a man they never met.
FeedbackLetters to the Editors
Poem: Frosted Memories Kaylene Jarvis
Photo of the Month Keith Proctor
Cover: LDS kids in Morgan City, Louisiana, have discovered life in a small branch has its own big rewards. See p. 20. Cover photography: John Luke (front), Jay Drowns (back).