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January 1993

“Feedback,” New Era, Jan. 1993, 50


Loving and appreciating dad

Thanks for the great article “Sculpture” in the August 1992 New Era. I love my father very much and don’t always get to just talk. My dad is my bishop, which takes a lot of his time. He’s also in the army, which takes almost all the rest of his time. Sometimes we don’t always realize the great things our fathers do for us. This story helped me a lot.

Cathryn Jones
Fort Knox, Kentucky

Polish praise

I am a new member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, having been baptized last July. I would like to thank you for publishing such a great magazine. Every article is so spiritually uplifting and makes me feel really good inside. Every time I read the New Era it strengthens my testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel.

Mariusz Sarkan
Jeleniogorskie, Poland

The same experience

I wish to write and thank you for the article “I Had to Try” in the August 1992 issue. I went through the exact same experience and was reminded of my Heavenly Father’s love for me as I received a comforting answer to my prayer. Please keep up the good work in helping strengthen us, the youth of Zion.

Brad Mickelson
Nibley, Utah

That’s not incredible

Although I’m 72 years old, I love reading the New Era. My husband says I am a “stickler” for words, so you can understand how I felt when I read two instances in the September 1992 magazine that bothered me. They said “I now have a much greater appreciation for the incredible message of the gospel …” and “Through talking with them, I’ve been able to realize how incredible the plan of salvation is.” It’s apparent too many people use the word incredible in place of the words wonderful or great. According to the dictionaries, incredible means unbelievable. The gospel is certainly not unbelievable, hence not incredible.

D. Fay Sorenson
Yuba City, California

Missionaries and Mormonads

As missionaries, we’ve lived in many missionary apartments. It’s really interesting to see the decor of each place. Many times we’ve come into apartments where Mormonads are displayed and felt a little dismayed each time because most of the time they are torn or damaged. That’s why we were so happy to see the Mormonad printed on the inside back cover in the August 1992 issue. Not only was that page more durable to hang up because it was printed on heavier paper, but when we tore the Mormonad out of the New Era the beginning of another story wasn’t printed on the back.

Elder Chris Goodbaudy
Elder Michael Miller
Texas San Antonio Mission

Good vs. bad

The article “When Everything Goes Wrong” in the May 1991 issue made me sit down and think about all the things wrong in my life. Then I thought about all the good things. As it turned out, there were a lot of bad things but more good things. That made me feel much better.

Robin Pritchard
Cumberland Gap, Tennessee