“Contents,” New Era, Mar. 1993
The Message: Anchor Your Soul Elder M. Russell BallardAn Apostle tells how you can remain firm and steadfast in these troubled times.
Hungary for the Gospel Christopher J. H. JonesThe elders in Hungary had the converts, but no place to baptize. Then, faith took over.
How I Know: A Father’s Blessing Amanda MeansDoes God really know me? The answer came in my patriarchal blessing.
Everyday Heroes: In a Heartbeat Diane HoffmanHow 16-year-old Amy Gardner led her own crusade to help homeless babies.
Bit by Bit Teresa SpringThe computer opened my eyes to the depth and beauty of the gospel.
Q&A: Questions and AnswersI know we shouldn’t lie, but what should we do when the truth will really hurt someone?
MormonadDangerous Game
Braided Together Richard M. RomneyThis English farm family finds unity in the gospel and rewards in hard work.
Taking It Personally Christie GilesHere’s a youth conference that really brought the Book of Mormon to life.
Ship of Friends Darrin LythgoeLDS Sea Explorers in California share ocean adventure with the less privileged.
Fiction: Make the Wind Stop Charles E. DavisSometimes, the best way to deal with personal pain is to share someone else’s.
FYI: For Your Info
The Beer Facts Laury LivseyThey call it “the gateway drug” for good reason. Here’s the truth about beer and beer advertising.
Sunday Is Different Hartt WixomThe huge trout was the bait. Fishing on Sunday was the hook. Would he bite?
Feedback:Letters to the Editors
Poem: Journal Mary Jo Westenhaver
Photo of the Month Ned James
Cover: Jenny Flinn and friend in Broadway—England, that is. Meet Jenny and her family on page 20. Cover photography: Richard M. Romney (front), Jay Drowns (back).