“Power of His Grace,” New Era, Aug. 1993, 10–11
Power of His Grace
First-Place Song
1. Jesus was young then.
He was full of light and truth—
the only begotten of the Father—
Growing in stature, gaining wisdom in his youth,
preparing for his mission here on earth.
And God’s grace was sufficient to lift him day by day,
giving him strength in temptation, guiding him along the way.
I’ll follow his example and until I see his face,
I’m strengthened by the power of his grace.
2. The Savior was willing
to deliver ev’ry soul,
to ransom God’s children in the Garden.
Bearing our burdens, precious drops of blood he shed.
His mercy was extended to all men.
And his grace was sufficient to cleanse me from my sins,
giving me hope in his promise to make me pure again.
I’ll follow his example and until I see his face,
I’m strengthened by the power of his grace.
And his grace is sufficient to bring me home again,
giving me hope in salvation through his love that never ends.
I’ll follow his example and until I see his face,
I’m strengthened by the power of his grace.
Copyright © 1993 by Kevin R. Olson. Used by permission. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church and home use.

Painting Christ in the Carpenter Shop by Giacomo Grosso