FYI: For Your Info
April 1994

“FYI: For Your Info,” New Era, Apr. 1994, 34–37

Special Issue:
Rejoice in Christ

For Your Info

Following the Savior

by Darrin Lythgoe

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, your Savior and Redeemer. Through the Atonement, he brought you eternal life and gave you the possibility of returning to your Heavenly Father. He invites you to look to him as an example, and through him, to learn about the Father.

“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3).

This special FYI is devoted to helping you learn about the Savior. As your faith in Christ and Heavenly Father grows, so will your joy and fulfillment.

Shared Experiences

Like Jesus Christ, the first-born of God, we are also children of our Father in Heaven. And in his humility, Christ accepted sharing with us many of our premortal and earthly experiences.

  • He was with us in the Grand Council in Heaven. He shared the desire for us to become like Father in Heaven, and, like us, he supported Heavenly Father’s plan.

  • He came to earth and received a mortal body, as we did.

  • He was born a helpless baby. Just like us, he had to learn basic things as he grew from child to teenager to adult.

  • He was subject to earthly parents. We all have adults in our lives we honor and obey.

  • He had friends he loved. The scriptures mention Lazarus and John the Beloved as some of his closest friends. We have close friends too.

  • He walked and talked, ate and slept, with a body that had a lot in common with ours.

  • He needed to obey Heavenly Father’s commandments, just as we do.

  • He felt emotions. He was joyful at the wedding in Cana, wept at the death of Lazarus, was angered by money changers in the temple, and felt apprehension in the Garden of Gethsemane.

  • He conversed with Heavenly Father through prayer. He also taught us how to do the same.

  • He suffered adversity. In fact, his was the greatest suffering of all. He was mocked, persecuted, betrayed, beaten, taunted, and finally crucified. We suffer too, and Jesus certainly understands our pain.

Reminders of Christ

“All things are created and made to bear record of me” (Moses 6:63). Many things, both in the scriptures and in our lives today, symbolize Christ and his sacrifice. See if you can identify how these pictures relate to him.

Things that remind us of Christ

Illustrated by Robert T. Barrett


  1. Baptism symbolizes, among other things, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Also, when we are baptized we promise to begin a new life, following him (Rom. 6:3–4).

  2. The bread and water of the sacrament represent the body and blood of Christ, and help us remember his atonement for our sins. We also get to renew the covenants we made with him at baptism when we take the sacrament (Moro. 4:3, 5:2).

  3. The brass serpent Moses raised in the wilderness to heal all who would look on it tells us that we must look to Christ for a remission of our sins (John 3:14–15; Hel. 8:14–15; Alma 33:19–22).

  4. The three days Jonah spent in the belly of “a great fish” are meant to remind us of the three days between Christ’s death and resurrection (Jonah 1:17; Mark 9:31).

  5. Jesus is known as the Lamb of God. Also, the sacrifices the Israelites made as part of the Law of Moses—male firstlings of the flock, without blemish, represent Heavenly Father’s sacrifice of his son (Ex. 12:5; Moses 5:7).

  6. The gift of manna to the Israelites teaches that we do not live by bread alone, but by the words of Christ, who is “the bread of life” (Deut. 8:3, John 6:35).

  7. Many prophets compare Christ with a rock or stone, as in “the rock [or foundation] of our salvation.” All buildings have a cornerstone, and Christ is the cornerstone of our church and of our faith (Eph. 2:20).

  8. Just as the Liahona directed Lehi and his family to the promised land, the words of Christ will lead us to a land of promise (1 Ne. 16:10, 26–29).

  9. By observing the Sabbath day on Sunday, we remember that Christ was resurrected on the first day of the week, and we dedicate that day to him (John 20:1; D&C 59:9–10).

  10. Light reminds us that the Savior is the “light of the world” (John 9:5).

  11. Water suggests that Christ is like living water, “springing up unto everlasting life” (D&C 63:23).

  12. Christ used a bridegroom to represent himself in the parable of the ten virgins. He was making a point about preparing and being ready for the day the Lord returns (Matt. 25:1–13).

“We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins” (2 Ne. 25:26).

Try This

Look up “Jesus Christ” in the Topical Guide in the back of your Bible. There are several categories listed, from “Jesus Christ, Advocate” to “Jesus Christ, Types of, in Memory.” Study as many of these references as you can, reading each scripture. You’ll be surprised at how much you can learn.

In Return

Because of his great love for us, Heavenly Father provided his son as our Savior. He has also given us many other gifts and blessings. But where much is given, much is required. We can show our gratitude through reverence and obedience.

He has given us the world we live in.

In return, we should respect and preserve it.

He has given us our families.

In return, we can do our best to support them and to encourage harmony and closeness.

He has given us material possessions.

In return we can thank him daily, pay our tithing faithfully, and share with those in need.

He has given us the scriptures.

In return we should diligently study the “words of life” (see D&C 84:85).

He has given us modern-day revelation.

In return we can listen to the living prophets and follow their guidance.

He has given us the Holy Ghost to comfort us and lead us to truth.

In return we can listen to and follow the still, small voice.

He has given us his love.

In return we can love him and love one another.

He has given us his church.

In return we can worship every week, building our own faith and the faith of others.

He has given us the priesthood, a sacred trust.

In return we should honor it and use it to bless others.

He has given us temples. He opens his houses for us to perform very sacred and saving ordinances for ourselves and for others.

In return we need to treat temples with respect, visit them often, and see that temple work is done.

He has given us the Atonement, Christ’s greatest gift. The Savior paid for our sins and made it possible for all to be resurrected. He also made it possible for us to be exalted, if we are worthy.

In return we need to have faith, repent, be baptized, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end.

Planting the Seed

  • Start with a strong desire to know that Christ is real and that he truly is our Savior.

  • Search the scriptures that talk of Christ. The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and 3 Nephi are good places to begin.

  • Learn as much as you can about Christ in church and at seminary.

  • Put Christ’s teachings to the test by living them (John 7:17).

  • As you read, study, and do the Lord’s will, listen to your feelings. Can you feel the Spirit testifying of the truth? (See Alma 32:26–43.)

  • Pray and ask Heavenly Father if all these things are true (see Moro. 10:4–5). Then listen for an answer. To know what to look for, see D&C 9:7–9.

Tending the Tree

  • Bear your testimony often, even if it’s mostly in your journal.

  • Continue to study the scriptures daily. Mark and memorize your favorite verses about Christ.

  • Pray regularly, and when you’re not praying, keep a prayer in your heart.

  • Continue to attend church and seminary.

  • Put a picture of Christ where you will see it often.

  • Attend someone else’s baptism and try to remember how you felt at your own.

  • Think about Christ as you partake of the sacrament. Ponder what the bread and water represent.

  • If you find yourself in a tough situation, ask yourself what Christ would do.

  • Memorize your favorite hymn about Christ, and sing or hum it often.

  • Share the gospel of Christ with as many people as you can.

  • Concentrate on walking in his footsteps by serving others.

Illustrated by Robert T. Barrett
