November 1994

“Feedback,” New Era, Nov. 1994, 50


Really understand

The story “Slow Sunday” (Nov. 1993) really helped me understand why we fast. I don’t have trouble not eating for 24 hours, but I do struggle to keep my mind off my hunger and to understand—really understand—the deep purpose of why we fast. It has also helped me know that fasting is very important. Fasting does make church meetings more interesting because we can listen to the Spirit more openly.

Heather Feuz
Tabernacle, New Jersey

Fasting is taught

Thank you so much for your magazine. I really enjoy reading the articles—especially after a hard day of missionary work. I was reading the article “Slow Sunday” in the November 1993 issue. Being a convert of more than three years, I remember very well the first time I fasted. A lot of those feelings were evident in the fictional piece. I just wanted to bring to your attention that as missionaries we talk about fasting in the fifth discussion—even before we teach about tithing. The article gave me the impression that it was not covered in the discussions. This could be misleading to members sharing the gospel with their nonmember friends, and members who have not served missions or are not familiar with the discussions. The article was well-written and had a wonderful spirit. I just think it’s important to know that fasting is also a requirement for baptism that we teach in the discussions.

Sister Morag Edge
Tempe, Arizona

It touched her

I want to express the way I feel about “They Have Quarterbacks in Heaven” (Oct. 1993). This story touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. I really felt for the characters in it. I can relate it to my life and how I should look past all the physical faults in others. It’s helped me to realize I can do better and share more of my heart with my friends and others. I sincerely thank you.

Debbie Jo Jensen
Clearbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Keep it up

I am 69 years old and the father and grandfather of many Latter-day Saints. We began subscribing to the New Era when it first appeared. Our children were teens then, and we still subscribe today. I find something useful or inspiring in every article. I just hope every teenager and every parent reads it too. Many thanks for the great articles. Keep up the good work.

Herman H. Berges
La Porte, Texas

Looking forward to seminary

I really enjoyed the article “Seminary in Soweto” in the November 1993 New Era. That story gave me the chance to see what other people in the world face every day. Even though I don’t go to seminary yet, I look forward to memorizing scriptures word for word as they did. I was touched as I read the parts where they mentioned the teacher who was stabbed, and the girl who was being chased. Thank you for this inspiring article. It’s made me look forward to seminary even more.

Lotononga Lavaka
Oakland, California


In the August 1994 issue, we mistakenly reported that President Howard W. Hunter’s second marriage was to “a widow and long-time family friend.” Inis S. Egan, President Hunter’s new wife, was indeed a long-time family friend. However, she was divorced, not widowed, prior to their marriage. The New Era regrets the error.
