July 1995

“Feedback,” New Era, July 1995, 50


Searching within

Thanks so much for your article “My Brother’s Question” in the September 1994 issue of the New Era. It has really helped me understand how important it is to be loving and kind to those around us, and to act the way Jesus would like us to. It has also really helped me to search within myself to improve on my weaknesses. Thanks so much and keep up the good work.

Margaret Byfield
Montego Bay, Jamaica

Two great months

During my mission in the British Isles, I had one companion I thought was difficult to get on with. One night, I was reading a very touching story in the New Era about charity. After that, I prayed to Heavenly Father that I would be able to develop more love for this other missionary. The next two months of our companionship turned out to be the most successful time of my entire mission.

Fredy Nebel
Zurich, Switzerland

We can relate

I’ve been reading the New Era over the last couple of years, and it has good stories in it and good experiences that we as youth can relate to. It’s good to hear other people’s experiences with living the gospel. For us as youth, we need something like that. There’s not many of us here, so it’s good to read and know what other youth in the Church are saying.

Shane Myers
Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Not a confining path

I thoroughly appreciated the intended message contained in your recent Mormonad (Sept. 1994). However, I was somewhat troubled by the depiction of a ballerina amidst the rows of nails. The “straight and narrow” is a path of refuge, safety, and guidance. It is not a path of confinement or deprivation of that which is wholesome and pure. Rather, it provides for the allowance thereof. Using a dancer confined and deprived of her art is not an accurate portrayal of what constitutes “walking the straight and narrow.” To walk that path gives one cause to feel free, to dance, and express oneself within the safety, not the confines, of that path.

Nephi S. Oliva
Chino, California

The change was instant

Thanks so much for the article “Picture This” (Sept. 1994). I decided to put a picture of Christ in my locker too. It took me a few days to actually put it up, but when I did I noticed an instant change in myself, in the way I thought about and treated other people. Now every day at school I look at myself in my mirror, then at the picture of Christ, and it reminds me to be as Christlike as possible. Being one of only four members of the Church at my school, I feel like it’s an example, not only to my member friends, but to other people as well.

Cari Rickabaugh
Sturtevant, Wisconsin

She knows what she’d do

I’m glad you printed “Priceless Integrity” (July 1994). It taught me not to exchange my integrity for worldly gain, but to be true and to honestly seek for things that will help me get to heaven. Now, whenever I’m in a difficult situation, I just ask myself, “What would I do if the Savior were here?” That’s when I get my answer.

Allison Felshaw
Federal Way, Washington
