February 1996

“Feedback,” New Era, Feb. 1996, 50



Thank you for the story “Created for Me” in the April 1995 issue. I love the beauty of nature and I sing that song “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” to calm my nerves when I feel like yelling at everyone. It has always had a calming, peaceful effect. I would also like to thank you for the song “Hear and Hearken” (June 1995). I play the piano and it’s a very pretty and inspiring song to play. Thanks again and keep up the great work.

Sally Jones
Perdy, Missouri

It helps

My brother and I greatly enjoy the New Era and the spirit that comes with it. My father works for the American Embassy, and we are the only Mormon kids in our school. That can be hard at times because no one has a clue about our beliefs. It seems that lately there have been a lot of articles on Australia. I would appreciate it if there were articles on youth from other countries. It helps to read in the New Era of other youth around the world with standards like mine.

Rachel Richards
Kathmandu, Nepal

A retreat

I wanted to express my gratitude and appreciation for the uplifting, inspiring, and edifying material you have to offer in each publication of your magazine. It offers a retreat from everyday stress and worldly life. I guess you can say that the New Era offers the Latter-day Saint youth a bit of heaven here on earth.

Amber Funk
Logan, Utah

CTR reminder

There are so many temptations in just one day in the life of a teenager. Every day I go to school wearing my CTR ring and an LDS necklace, and I try hard to make right choices. Without fail, people ask me what CTR and LDS stand for. Once, some kids at school sang a song about me called “Little Miss Perfect Can Do No Wrong.” It bothered me so I tried to become better accepted with my friends, knowing that some things I was doing were wrong. I know many were watching when I ignored my CTR reminder. I hope I can rebuild my reputation because I know that that is the reputation Heavenly Father wants me to have. Thanks again for re-inspiring me to choose the right.

Name Withheld

Has and always will

I started receiving the New Era in August of 1994 because my older sister gave it to me as a birthday present. I love it. I always read the magazines when I feel emptiness inside, because they help me out through tough times. Whenever I go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead, I take a few copies of the magazine along for company. The New Era has and always will make a difference in my life.

Sharline Alonzo
Union City, New Jersey

A constant reminder

Thank you for printing the article “Picture Perfect” in the May 1995 issue. I always liked putting pictures of Christ on my wall as a constant reminder of what I should be doing. I even put one next to my bed in each new area I serve on my mission to remind me in the morning and at night of whom I’m trying to emulate throughout the day.

Elder Robert Martyn
Utah Ogden Mission
