“FYI: For Your Info,” New Era, May 1996, 34–37
For Your Info
Get to Work!
by Stephanie Potz and Lisa M. Grover
Summer’s coming fast, and it’s a good time to get serious about how you’ll fill those endless hours now—before school’s out. If you’re saving for your mission or a college education, summer work is a great way to boost your bank account. Here are some suggestions for landing a job.
Find Out What’s Available
Do you have older siblings or friends who have jobs? Is there a chance you could work at the same place?
Is there a swimming pool, day camp, rec center, or amusement park in your area? Since the work at these places is usually seasonal, it’s the perfect summer job.
Do you have a special skill that you could sell to others? Think about mowing lawns, washing windows, or baby-sitting as lucrative and viable options for earning summertime cash.
Are there help-wanted signs in businesses at local malls or shopping districts? Get dressed up; then pound the pavement. Ask for applications and find out when they need to be returned. Ask your mom or dad for help in filling out the forms.
Be realistic. You’re not going to be hired as company president, and some summer jobs may not sound as glamorous as you’d like. Remember that all honorable work adds to your experience and may give you a leg up on a more exciting job in the future.
When You Interview for a Job
Create a good first impression. Be sure that your appearance is neat, clean, and appropriate.
Arrive on time. If you must change or cancel your appointment, notify the employer well in advance.
Show interest and enthusiasm toward the job opening.
Look directly at the employer when conversing with him or her. Concentrate on what is being said.
Ask questions about the job. It is helpful to learn all you can about the company before your interview.
Be honest and open. Be yourself, but be your best self.
Demonstrate to the employer that you are willing to be taught something new.
Express yourself clearly and distinctly. Do not mumble or chew gum during the interview. Use proper grammar and diction and avoid slang.
Once You Get the Job
Pay a full tithing.
Devise a plan to save a certain percentage of what you earn. Enjoy the money you spend, but do so wisely.
Work hard! Doing your very best at all times is not only the honest thing to do, but it also works to your advantage.
Be cheerful and friendly. Lend a hand to co-workers who need help.
Learn as much as you can. Even if you’re flipping burgers or scooping ice cream, you can acquire new skills and knowledge. Be observant!
Help for the Homeless
Which would you rather do: Spend a day cruising the San Francisco Bay on a ship, or clean up a house in your neighborhood so that needy families can use it? Seems like a no-brainer, right? A hot summer day calls for some rest and relaxation. Case closed.
Closed, that is, unless you’re a priest or a Laurel in the Manteca California Stake. They gave up a planned one-day cruise to join with the younger youth to paint and clean a house designated for families that are getting back on their feet financially.
Okay, okay. So they helped. But they probably didn’t have a very good time, right?
Wrong again. Outside, young people doing yard work trimmed bushes into smiley-face designs. Inside, they raced to see who could clean up the fastest. All of the youth made the projects into games and had a good feeling about what they were doing.
“I could really feel the Spirit there, and I knew I was doing the right thing,” says participant Cherie Farnes.
Apparently, town leaders agree. The activity was covered in a local newspaper article, and an editorial urged others to follow the lead of the youth, saying, “The project shows what can be accomplished by volunteers who are committed and organized.”
Real Winners
Youth in the Corvallis Oregon Stake have a winning attitude—and an election record to match. Jason Young, Andrea Clavin, and James Blake were elected student body presidents at their high schools during the same year.
“Sometimes the work load is so heavy that it seems almost impossible to handle. This is when I really need to get down on my knees and ask for help. I know that Heavenly Father is there for me,” says Andrea.
Soaring with Eagles
Anyone who’s been a Boy Scout can tell you that becoming an Eagle is no simple task. But for Ryan Scholes, a member of the Basalt Ward, Firth Idaho Stake, becoming an Eagle Scout was an extra-special achievement.
Because Ryan has Down’s syndrome, earning merit badges, learning Scouting skills, and organizing his Eagle project were all more challenging than usual. Other members of his troop helped him with some of the more difficult tasks, but little by little, Ryan became a true Scouter on his own.
The day before Ryan turned 18, he completed his project of collecting more than 700 food items for needy families in his troop area. And, although it may have been a little harder for Ryan to achieve the rank of Eagle, he’s proud that in his troop he’s just “one of the boys.”
Chain Gang
Youth in the Williamsburg Ward, Newport News Virginia Stake, decided that they would make a paper chain to show how much they cared for each other. Originally, each time one of them did a good deed, they were to write their names on a link and add it to the chain. But after giving it some thought, they decided to write the names of others who had done nice things for them instead. The chain is now more than 75 feet long!
“Recognizing little kindnesses helped us appreciate each other more. We know we can depend on each other,” says Laurel Natalie Webster.
High Fashion
Are the young women of the West Terrace Ward, Spokane Washington West Stake, caught in a time warp? Do they spend all of their time at thrift stores and estate sales? Hardly. But these girls recently took time to present a retro fashion show to residents at a retirement home in their community.
Playing “dress up” gave them a chance to reminisce with their senior friends about the good old days, and have some fun in the process.
Photography by Jed Clark