January 1997

“Feedback,” New Era, Jan. 1997, 50


Found her answer

Thank you so much for printing the question in the July 1995 issue (Questions & Answers). I read it recently, and it answered the same question that I had. A lot of my friends ask me if I am going to pair up with someone. I shake my head and they gape at me. I always wondered if it was okay or not. Then I read Q&A and found my answer. Thanks again.

Nicole Gibbons
Eltopia, Washington

The right size

I really liked what you did in the January 1996 New Era. I liked the miniature Mormonads. They’re just the right size to put in my locker at school. With these Mormonads in my locker, it will be easier for me to resist temptation and lift myself up. All I can say is I hope you make more of the miniature ones.

Marci Larson
Pearce, Arizona

Absolutely worth it

I would like to write a note of thanks for making this magazine possible. It brings much help to every individual who reads it. All the effort that is put into the New Era is absolutely worth it, as it answers a lot of the “why” questions that we have today. It also expresses the importance of being a Latter-day Saint and a child of God. I truly thank you for this powerful strength for us as youth.

Tyson Terito
Hamilton, New Zealand

An encouragement

I’d like to thank you for publishing the Mormonads every month. My nonmember friend saw them on my wall and now she wants to come to church with me. She really liked them and their meanings. I’d also like to thank you for publishing “Picture This” (Sept. 1994). Even though it was published almost two years ago, I have never taken the time to thank you. That story has encouraged me to hang my own picture of Jesus Christ in my locker. Now every time I open my locker, I remember to try to be more like Jesus.

Nicole Beauchamp
Hilliard, Ohio

A help

I want you to know I love the New Era. It helps me with a lot of my stress and has helped me with my testimony of the gospel.

Shannon Capson
Orem, Utah

She’s enjoyed

I love the New Era. I have been reading it ever since my older sister started receiving it when she turned 12. Now that I am 12 and a Beehive, I have enjoyed reading about other youth groups around the world. I also enjoy the Mormonisms and Mormonads in every issue.

Jenna Redden
Killeen, Texas

A better friend

I really enjoyed your story “The Miracle of Jenni” in the March 1996 issue. I know a girl similar to Jenni who doesn’t have very many good friends. She was recently baptized, and some of her friends didn’t want her to be with them anymore. I’ve tried to be her friend, but often some of my friends ask me why I’m nice to her. I really didn’t know what to say. The story made me think of ways to be a better friend to her. Next time I’m faced with that question, I’ll know what to say.

Name Withheld
