“Contents,” New Era, May 1997
The Message: Save Her! Save Her! President Thomas S. MonsonMissionary work takes love and sacrifice, but it brings great blessings.
Primary Purpose Brian LewisThe boss said “work on Sundays,” but how could I give up teaching Primary?
Perfect Prayer Doug BennettWhen Billy stumbled during the sacrament prayer, his brother gave just the right help.
Everyday Heroes: Time Off for Good Behavior Laury LivseyRosalie postponed college to help a young neighbor girl and learned some great lessons.
Q&A: Questions and AnswersAt church, life seems worth living, and I want to be good. But at school and work life seems discouraging. How can I keep good feelings, even when surrounded by the bad?
Mormonad: Rest Assured
To Higher Heights Richard M. RomneyMeet some of the outstanding LDS cadets at the Air Force Academy.
Walking the Walk Julie DuVallAn interfaith walk to help the hungry brings LDS and non-LDS kids together.
I Will Go and Do Laury LivseyWhat would you give to serve a mission? Five missionaries answer.
My Wish Diana MonsonInstead of limbs that function, he wanted a faithful family.
FYI: For Your Info
Fiction: Prom Knight Alma J. YatesThe evening began as a disaster and ended as a story of love—for Mean Max.
By Leaps and Bounds Lisa M. GroverThis young gymnast knows adversity, but not the meaning of the word “quit.”
How I Know: Taking a Stand Erica LarsonMy whole family was against my baptism, but I couldn’t deny the truth.
FeedbackLetters to the editors
Poem: It Hurts to Grow Annie Grobler
Photo of the Month Jared Davies
Cover: Candy Sharp is just one of many LDS cadets at the Air Force Academy who are becoming known for their dedication. See “To Higher Heights,” page 20.
Cover photography: Richard M. Romney (front), Greg Frei (back).