Idea List: Mom and Dad 101
May 1998

“Idea List: Mom and Dad 101,” New Era, May 1998, 15

Idea List:

Mom and Dad 101

Your mom and dad would give the world for you, so why not give something back? Here are some ways to show them you care:

  • Do your chores well and on time.

  • When disputes arise, talk out your disagreements peaceably. Never raise your voice in anger, and don’t ever resort to physical violence or threats.

  • Always obey their final decisions cheerfully. No grudges!

  • When you go out, make sure your parents know where you’re going and when you’ll be back.

  • Be their friend, and every once in a while tell them that you love them.

  • Say thanks when they do you a favor.

  • Ask for their opinions when you’re making a decision.

  • Remember them in your prayers. Both of you need heavenly help to build a good relationship.

  • Say something nice when you introduce them to your friends, like: “This is my dad, the greatest basketball player on the planet.”

  • Do secret favors for one or both of them. You could do several in a row and make it a mystery.

  • When it’s your turn to give the family home evening lesson, have an evening where you honor your parents. Tell stories about funny or interesting things they did when they were your age.

  • Invite them to do fun things with you. Shooting hoops? Ask them to join you. Going to a movie they’d like to see? See if they want to come too. They may not always have the time, but everyone likes to be invited.

Illustrated by Steve Kropp
