Idea List: Be a Pal
June 1998

“Idea List: Be a Pal,” New Era, June 1998, 56

Special Issue:
Faces of Friendship

Idea List:

Be a Pal

Did you know that when the Savior spoke about laying down his life for us, he referred to us as his friends? (See John 15:13–14.) He must have wanted us to understand the importance of friendship. Not all of us can be a sister, a brother, a cousin or an aunt, but all of us can be a friend. You may have heard the saying, “To have a friend, be one.” So what’s the best way to “be one”? Perhaps some of the following suggestions would be helpful. Try one or two for starters.

  • Be a good listener.

  • Remember birthdays.

  • Learn things about your friends, such as where they were born, what their middle name is, and what they love to eat.

  • Offer to help your friends with things such as household chores, homework, or tending their brothers or sisters. These tasks are always more fun when done with a friend.

  • When your friends are ill, call them or write a get-well card so they know you’re thinking of them.

  • Take the initiative by offering to help plan the parties and outings from time to time.

  • Remember important events, such as competitions or performances. Plan to be a part of the event, by either attending or dropping off a note of encouragement.

  • Don’t gossip about other people with your friends. That way, they’ll know you won’t gossip about them when they’re not there.

  • Speak highly of your friends when talking to others.

  • Make sure your conversations aren’t always centered on you.

  • Be sympathetic to their problems.

  • When they offend you, confront them about it in a sincere, kind way. They’ll appreciate your honesty.

  • Don’t take offense too easily.

  • Have other interests and other friends. There can sometimes be too much of a good thing—and too much of a good friend.

  • Competition is common among friends. And while a little may be healthy, too much can end a friendship. Be careful that you don’t get caught up in outdoing each other.

  • Love your friends for who they are, not who they know or what they own.

  • Respect your friends’ privacy and trust. If they confide in you, keep it to yourself.

  • Give genuine compliments freely.

  • Pray that you’ll be a better friend.

  • Live your life in a way that will cause your friends to thank Heavenly Father for having a friend like you.

Photography by Matt Reier
