The Bulletin Board: Sports Heroes
July 1999

“The Bulletin Board: Sports Heroes,” New Era, July 1999, 38

The Bulletin Board:
Sports Heroes

Anika Smith

Ward Melville High School
Cross-country; 3,000-, 1,500-, 1,000-, and 800-meter run

Stony Brook, New York
Home Ward: Terryville

Two-time MVP for varsity cross-country and track teams. Broke school records in 3,000-, 1,500-, 1,000-, and 800-meter runs. Selected “Outstanding Female Athlete.” All-county in cross-country and track. Refuses to run in Sunday meets, even state qualifying meets. Openly speaks out against profanity, immorality. Sophomore class vice president.

Julie Hennings

San Clemente High School
Surf team

San Clemente, California
Home Ward: San Clemente Second

Crowned South Coast League girls’ surfing champion as well as homecoming queen. 4.0 student. Led school team to 9–1 record. Champion of National Scholastic Surfing Association Junior circuit. Refuses to pro surf because of Sunday contests. But major surfboard company sponsors her anyway.

Leonard and Marjorie Whippy

Fiji National Boys’ and Girls’ Teams

Suva, Fiji
Home Ward: Suva First

Parents both played on Fiji’s national men’s and women’s teams and were converts to the Church. Marjorie and Leonard following in parents’ footsteps both in basketball and in the Church. Marjorie, vice-captain, helped team win Mini South Pacific championship by scoring 20 points in final game.

Creighton Lowe

Ski buff extraordinaire

Anchorage, Alaska
Home Ward: Anchorage Fifth

Skiing prowess, testimony, and willingness to sacrifice skiing for mission featured in Powder magazine. Also placed first twice in state diving championship and third in state wrestling championship. Seminary graduate. Now serving in Argentina Cordoba Mission.

Patrick Smith, Ira Smith, Brad Holland

Patrick Smith
Center Fullback

Ira Smith
Right Halfback

Brad Holland
Left Forward

Fort Campbell, Kentucky
Home Wards: New Providence First and Second

Soccer team achieved no. 3 rank in state, advanced to Elite Eight in finals, received best sportsmanship award. Patrick was team captain, made all-state first team, and led entire team in prayer before games. Boys set good example both on and off field.


Mountain View High School Football Team
Mesa, Arizona

Took 1997 5A state championship and ended season undefeated. Forty team members now serving full-time missions throughout world. Team support continues through missionary newsletter.
