Life’s Gifts
September 1999

“Life’s Gifts,” New Era, Sept. 1999, 24

Life’s Gifts

Someone once said to me,

I have nothing to live for.

I said, my friend, you’re wrong;

you have everything and more.

You have the leap of your heart,

the moment you tip your canoe.

A puppy’s lick,

and Saturday-morning cartoons.

You have the smell of autumn,

a banana-nut bagel,

The wall of frost around you

as you make a snow angel.

A child’s sticky hug,

an old woman’s grateful tear,

When you’re down on your knees,

and you feel Him near.

You have the mocking and torment,

He lovingly went through.

The pain and suffering,

He did all this for you.

Someone once said to me,

I have nothing to live for.

I said, my friend, you’re wrong;

you have everything and more.

Carrying Her Load by Jessica Brinton
