November 1999

“Feedback,” New Era, Nov. 1999, 50


A spiritual magazine

I wanted to express my thanks for a few articles in the April 1999 issue. First, I really liked the story “Where Love Is.” It reminded me of some mentally challenged people I have met. I like to think how happy they will be in the eternities when they have perfect bodies. I also wanted to thank you for the article “Dutch Treat.” I really felt the Spirit while reading this article. It was great. Thanks again for such a spiritual magazine.

Lindsay Brown
Faribault, Minnesota

Pure warmth

Thanks for printing the story “Dutch Treat” in the April 1999 New Era. It reminded me just how important service really is. While I was reading it, I was overcome with a feeling of pure warmth. It reminded me of the wonderful feelings I get when I serve others.

Heather Leilani Bowman
Temecula, California

Really knows

I would like to thank you for “Just Ask” by Clay Hunter in the April 1999 New Era. I’ve been having a lot of struggles lately in my life and wondering if anybody really knows what I’m going through, or even understands. So, as this article suggested, I prayed about it. My prayer was answered when I was studying and looking up some scriptures listed under Healing in the Topical Guide. I know my Heavenly Father really knows and understands my pain and wants to help me through my struggles and trials if I am willing to let Him. Thank you.

Charlynn Riggs
Hagerman, New Mexico (via e-mail)

A tough year

I just wanted to share my appreciation for the New Era. I love reading it every month. In the April 1999 issue, the article “Just Ask” really hit me and touched me so much. This year has been a really tough year for me. Between school, friends, and family, I’ve struggled to make it through each day. I’ve learned countless lessons, and I’ve grown so close to my Heavenly Father. During hard times, I always turned to Him. This article reminded me that someone is always there with me every step of the way and that someone else has felt all my pain. Someone really must have been inspired to write that article, because it came at the right time and helped me out a lot. I even shared it as a devotional for my seminary class. Thanks so much for that wonderful article.

Sarah McMurry
Allen, Texas (via e-mail)


I would like to thank you for the good job that you have done. In the February 1999 New Era, the article “Is It True?” helped me because I happened to be in the same situation. I wanted to know whether or not this was the true church of Jesus Christ. Several times I prayed sincerely but felt I received no answer. I feared the gospel wasn’t true. But with the help of this article, I realized I already had a testimony. I thank you so much for this story. It really helped me.

Name Withheld (via e-mail)

Part of a wonderful thing

When I read “Running Away” (Apr. 1999), it comforted me. I have not lost anyone really close to me, but I have a brother and a sister in the mission field right now. It made me feel awesome that my family could be a part of such a wonderful thing as converting people who are searching for this wonderful gospel.

Amy Carlston
Salt Lake City, Utah
