Always My Friend
March 2000

“Always My Friend,” New Era, Mar. 2000, 7

Always My Friend

I felt very much alone in those new surroundings until I looked up at that picture on the wall.

Walking into my Young Women class, I felt all alone. My family and I had just moved from New Jersey to a small town in Idaho. My family knew no one in Idaho, and all of our relatives lived back east.

Looking for a place to sit down, I saw a chair on the second row by the wall. As I sat down, I noticed everyone had someone to sit by except me. I kept telling myself things would change after I had some time to make friends, but no matter how many times I told myself that, I still felt very alone.

Halfway through the lesson, I noticed a picture of Jesus Christ hanging on the wall next to me. When I saw the picture, I realized I wasn’t alone. It was as if the Savior had been sitting next to me the whole time.

It took some time getting used to living in my new home and finding new friends. At times I did feel alone, but I always remembered that Sunday when I noticed the picture of the Savior and realized I was never alone. Jesus Christ will always be our friend.

Photography by Steve Bunderson; posed by model
