Of All Things
May 2000

“Of All Things,” New Era, May 2000, 38

Of All Things

Young Women of God

“We are not women of the world. We are women of God. And women of God will be among the greatest heroines of the 21st century.”
—Sheri L. Dew (Ensign, Nov. 1999, 98)

The Eagle’s Nest

Looking for ideas for an Eagle project? Check out what these youths did:

Jared Kawaianuhea of Kaneohe, Hawaii, taught the older youth in his ward how to prepare tax returns. They then offered tax preparation help for simple returns as a free public service.

Bryant Thacker of Lima, Ohio, beautified a community Catholic shrine center by enlisting friends to help trim the center’s shrubs and paint its wrought iron gates and fences.

Michael Jay Potter of Camarillo, California, used material donated by a local hardware store to clean and restore a footbridge used by school children every day.

Jared vanderHorst of Anaheim, California, painted a giant U.S. map on an elementary school playground.

Clark Rogers of Madison, Alabama, teamed up with Dr. Danny Cartwright, a pediatrician in his town, to spread the antismoking message. Clark oversaw a committee that gathered information about smoking advertising. He and Dr. Cartwright then held a press conference about why teens shouldn’t smoke. The press conference was featured in three newspapers and two evening news shows.

Words of the Prophet

I feel so optimistic about this church, so very, very optimistic. … What tremendous things we are doing because of the faithfulness of the people: the building of these chapels across the earth, the building of temples, the tremendous work that is going forward, and the effect that it is having upon individuals as it increases in numbers. It’s true. Be happy about it. Be affirmative about it. Don’t look for its weaknesses. Magnify its strengths and build on those.”
—President Gordon B. Hinckley (Ensign, Dec. 1995, 66)

Doing Good Daily

The New Era recently asked a group of seminary students in Ely, Nevada, for goals that could be completed in a day. Here’s what they came up with:

  • Help your parents by doing a little yard work.

  • Pick someone in your ward and tell them what you admire about them.

  • Be friendly to someone who seems lonely.

  • Clean your room without being asked.

  • Find a solution to a problem by reading your scriptures.

  • Write a letter of support to a missionary in your ward.

  • Secretly do a good deed for a family member.

  • Memorize a scripture.

  • Invite a nonmember friend to a Church activity.

  • Fix dinner so your mom or dad can have the night off.

  • Spend time with a sibling.

Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness

We’re looking for teens who are doing a bang-up job at cleanup. Has your youth group found a way to make cleaning your meetinghouse fun? Has cleaning the meetinghouse changed the way you feel about your building? We’d love to hear about it. Contact the New Era at 1-800-453-3860 ext. 2-2951, or e-mail us at cur-editorial-newera@ldschurch.org

Reinventing the Wheel(chair)

The birth defect spina bifida has not stopped 15-year-old Neal Christensen from becoming an inventor. Neal, a teacher in the Monticello (Utah) Second Ward, invented a wheelchair lighting system that protects him when he is using his wheelchair outdoors. Neal’s invention won him fourth place in a national competition for young inventors.

Buckle Up!

There’s lots to remember when you’re on a Church outing: everything from sunblock to scriptures. But no matter what you’re doing or where you’re going, always remember to wear your seat belt (see Activities Committee Handbook, 6).
