Idea List: Getting Ready
June 2000

“Idea List: Getting Ready,” New Era, June 2000, 27

Special Issue: Your Mission

Idea List:

Getting Ready

How do you prepare to become the best missionary you can be? Here’s some advice from those who know best—current missionaries—and from other New Era readers:

  • Pray daily. Ask Heavenly Father to help you prepare.

  • The Lord needs worthy missionaries—live the commandments every day.

  • Get into seminary and institute.

  • Read the scriptures daily, especially the Book of Mormon. Follow Moroni’s promise in Moroni 10:3–5 [Moro. 10:3–5].

  • Learn responsibility by magnifying any calling or assignment that comes your way (see D&C 88:80). Home teaching, for example, is an excellent way to learn to build relationships of trust with others.

  • Go to the temple as often as you can.

  • Spend as much time as possible with your family—you’ll miss them while you’re away. Participate in family prayer, home evenings, and other family activities.

  • During family home evening, practice teaching the scriptures to your family.

  • Attend church each Sunday to increase your spirituality.

  • Receive your patriarchal blessing.

  • Practice being friendly with and getting to know people.

  • A mission is rigorous, so stay in good physical shape.

  • Start saving now. Set aside mission funds from your allowance and employment.

  • Work with full-time missionaries and ward mission leaders. Go team teaching with full-time missionaries, watching the elders teach the discussions. Read the review pamphlets that correspond with each discussion.

  • Practice teaching the discussions to a friend—a nonmember friend if possible.

  • Share your testimony every chance you get.

  • Invite nonmember friends to church and to activities.

  • Attend a missionary preparation class.

  • Memorize the Articles of Faith.
