Reader’s Guide
June 2001

“Reader’s Guide,” New Era, June 2001, 49

Special Issue: Standards

Reader’s Guide

Creative ideas for using this issue of the New Era.

Personal Improvement

  • Read Elder Jensen’s message “Making a Mighty Change” on page 4. Can you recite the 13th article of faith from memory? If not, memorize it and then recite it to yourself, replacing we with I, as Elder Jensen suggests.

  • Honestly evaluate your own video or CD collection. Are there any selections that are unwholesome or less than desirable? Put trash where it belongs—you’ll feel better if you do.

Family Home Evening Ideas

  • For one week, log your family’s television, Internet, and stereo use. Keep a pencil and paper handy where family members can write down what they watch, where they surf, and what they listen to. At family home evening, talk about the statistics on pages 10–15. Talk about changes you think might make your family happier or more spiritual.

Young Men and Young Women Activity Ideas

  • Read about the youth in Slidell, Louisiana, on page 26, and how they tackled the challenge of dressing modestly. Brainstorm ideas for a modesty activity—a fashion show is, of course, one option. Or go on a fantasy shopping trip. Give each person a “budget” and have them choose modest clothing they would buy if the shopping trip were real.

  • The youth in Alaska had a chance to commit to their standards at the dedication of their temple (see page 20). Special events coming up, like stake conference, youth standards night, or youth conference would be great times to have a special youth activity to commit individually and privately to the standards. A special speaker, perhaps your stake president or other youth leader, would make the occasion special. If your budget will allow it, order the inexpensive CTR rings from the distribution center for each participant to mark the occasion.

Laurel Value or Eagle Project

  • The Word of Wisdom is very important, not only because you’re living a commandment, but also because you’re protecting your physical health. Spread the word about the dangers of smoking through an education campaign. Contact your local health department or community center for ideas on providing a public service.

Member Missionary Work

  • This month’s New Era is full of great suggestions for keeping your standards. It might also be a useful tool for explaining your standards to your friends. Loan your copy to a friend of another faith or photocopy a few articles for them. Give them a copy of the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet too.
