August 2001

“Heartstrings,” New Era, Aug. 2001, 51


I still remember the day

I first learned our connection,


the day Mom told me

that you and Grandma

belong to her

like she and Dad

belong to me.

My surprise

gave way

to pleasure

as my young thoughts

grasped the logic

of the connection.


my previous theory

was a good one—

that we had somehow picked you

out of all the nice, gray-haired

people in the world

and called you ours—

but how much sweeter to know

that God had somehow picked you

out of all the nice

people in the world

and called you ours

and His

and let you earn your gray hairs

by creating a connection

linking heaven and earth,

parents and children,

teaching by example,

loving unconditionally.

The years

give increasing way

to pleasure

and gratitude

as my thoughts

grasp the logic—

the eternal logic—

of the connection

that what I learned

at one loving knee

was once learned

at yours.

I’ll always remember the way

I learned our connection, Grandpa—

our inseparable connection

from heart to heart.
